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Jack 7th birthday this weekend

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Jack 7th anniversary poster

Seven years of house music. Jack’s come a long way… I remember hearing about a club called Jack when I was still living in Rovaniemi and all the hype caught my eye instantly. It was a fresh concept right from the beginning and gave everyone a possibility to hear both veteran DJs and fresh talents under one roof. It also was – at least for me – one of clubs to make house music easily approachable, fresh and hip again. And I’m sure many house purists disagree with me here ;)

Jack landed to Rovaniemi in 2004, if I recall right. It was supposed to be a one-off night, but after an instant success and a sold-out night, people ended up going crazy with Jay Mellin, Milla Lehto, Dallas Superstars, Mr.A, Lil’Tony, Orkidea, Tomi K, Uke and KimiK during the next 2,5 years.

When I moved to Helsinki in 2006 I was asked to join the team to produce Jack and during the past years I’ve felt more than priviledged to be a part of such an innovative, creative and happy team and pushing forward Helsinki house music scene.

The past year in Redrum has been one of the most successful in Jack’s history. We’ve seen Nick Warren, Matthew Dekay and Gavyn Mytchel behind the decks, rocked with Fresh talents in January and co-produced Danceteria cruise afterparty – many of those with sold-out status.

Lé grande finale of this year – however – still goes one step further. Jack will celebrate its seventh anniversary for full 14 hours, starting at 22:00 on Saturday, 21.11.2009. Dave Seaman will rock the main event in Redrum and Jody Wisternoff headlines the afterparty at Playground. Finnish jocks include Orkidea, Mr.A, Peled Brothers and me. I’ll be warming up the floor at 05:00-06:30 at the afterparty (do you really need to call it a warm-up after a 6 hour mayhem in Redrum?:) and preparing the things for Jody.

To get more information about the event, surf to Jack’s Facebook event or check some discussion at Klubitus topic. Let the Jack begin.
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Review: DJ Hero hands-on.

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DJ Hero is here. Now unboxing...

I received my copy of DJ Hero today. The game is for Xbox – they didn’t have the Wii versions yet – and as I don’t own Xbox the nice people at Kohu-Live borrowed me one for the two-week test drive.

The package wasn’t anything what the final product is going to be (photo above), but unpacking was cool nevertheless. They should have these “sample” and “promotional copy” stickers on all models – I guess they didn’t make enough field investigation to find out that all the DJs are ready to pay at least triple for anything which has something to do with promo, rare or early copy ;)

The intro with Justice’s Genesis was cool, but made me suspicious of the game contents – action-filled start didn’t seem to fit to the DJ Hero image. However the tutorials with Grandmaster Flash made me forget the rather annoying intro and I was pretty fast fascinated by the controls.

The basic gameplay is really easy if you’re familiar with Guitar Hero or you’ve ever even seen a turntable+mixer combo, but as with Guitar Hero, mastering Hard/Expert levels you really need some time with the game, no matter how much you’ve deejayed before. After the first two hours of playing, I found my limits somewhere between Medium/Hard difficulty and found myself playing some of the tracks over and over again to master some of the most difficult spots.

Most of the mashups I’ve played so far are really smart and the use of crossfader + turntable is really well thought. After two hours of gameplay, my favourites are Eric Prydz – Pjanoo vs. Tears for Fears – Shout and a combo which caused massive laughs: Vanilla Ice – Ice Ice Baby vs. MC Hammer – You Can’t Touch This :)

The idea of backspinning the deck to create re-wind effect and playing some parts of the song immediately again to gain points is a nice feature, but the FX knob (which is basically just a filter) feels in most cases a bit dumb, but definitely raises the difficulty at certain points.

Crossfader isn’t completely loose as I expected beforehand, but locks to left, right & middle. It felt really weird in the beginning as it took much more effort to put the fader exactly to the middle after throwing it to left & right, but it reminds me again – this is just a game, and doesn’t even try to be a 100% real simulation.

The possibility to add a guitar and play DJ vs. Guitar feels like lots of fun, going to try that out later. DJ Hero is definitely at its best when played with friends, definitely the pre-party game of the year and the after-party game of the decade ;)

All-in-all, I probably haven’t been this excited of any game after I got my hands all over the first Wii games some years ago. I’m really looking forward presenting DJ Hero at Extremely Miscbehaving event in Helsinki Club on 24.10.2009 – which reminds me of this: If you’re into winning a copy of DJ Hero, head over to, check the event details and participate to the contest.

And if you have any questions regarding the game, feel free to ask below.

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Extremely Miscbehaving, 24.10.2009 @ Helsinki Club & Playground

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The first Extremely Miscbehaving event one year ago @ Virgin Oil was a blast. It attracted nearly 1000 people just a couple of days before Christmas with Redanka and Solarstone as headliners. The main idea behind Miscbehaving events is that one of Misc. Management artists invites 1-3 foreign or domestic & fresh or oldskool talents and builds the lineup to represent his idea of quality electronic music.

On 24.10. we’ll see another round of Miscbehaving madness as DJ Orkidea invites legendary Renaissance resident Ian Ossia and one of the hottest trance names currently – Andy Moor – to headline a Miscbehaving night at Helsinki Club. The oldskool trance/prog fellow DJ Coma will be taking care of the warm-up.

The night continues at Playground at 05:00 as an official afterparty. I’ve invited some of the most interesting current domestic names to share the early underground morning hours with me: First of all DJ Casper, who has convinced me lately with his superb techno sets. He’s a guy living the music 100% and is one of the true rising stars currently. He’s not only a guy for dark underground venues but has caught my attention by playing really rocking groovy summery sets, too.
Then, my good ol’ friend DJ Flight. We’ve shared the DJ booths and organized club events together more than a dozen times last year and I greatly admire his uncompromised professional attitude. Flight is not only a great person, but also easily one of the top house jocks in Finland at the moment. Easy choice of picking him in.
And lastly, DJ Genki, an oldskool and multi-genre-talent jock – breaks-psy-dnb-techhouse-techno-younameit! He has an ear for killer tracks whatever style he plays, but his techno sets have been the ones totally ripping it. A perfect choice for ending the night, no matter how late it gets… :)

Check the Miscbehaving event details at Klubitus and read the latest news at or at Misc Management’s Twitter.


DJ ORKIDEA (Unity, Love, Jack) invites:
IAN OSSIA (Renaissance, UK)
COMA (Pussy, Clinic)

Visuals Beige/Harmaa
Light Design Tea & Severi (Unity)

Where: Helsinki Club, Yliopistonkatu 8
When: Saturday 24.10.2009
Time: 21-04
Tickets: 14€ + booking fee. available from Tiketti from the 14th of September


DJ ORION (YleX, Lost Language) invites:
FLIGHT (Romance)
GENKI (Exogenic)
CASPER (Helsinki)

Where: Playground, Iso Roobertinkatu 10
When: Sunday 25.10.2009
Time: 05-12
Tickets: 8€ with main event ticket and 10€ without. Available from the door only!

[flickr-gallery mode=”search” tags=”miscbehaving_helsinki” tag_mode=”all” ]

Love Story, part 1

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LOVE - Brings Us All Together. Helsinki 05.07.2009

Helsinki is a city full of passionate people. There are countless individuals that might be considered crazy by doctors, but truly amazing by others. Many of these people come out at night, looking to give birth to another memorable experience. Nothing feels better, than to find yourself surrounded by them on the dance-floor. When there is a break in a song, the lights go off and someone in the back whistles right on time. Like some magic, a warm wave lifts your hands towards the ceiling and it feels as if your feet come off the ground. You knew it was going to happen, but it still comes as a surprise. Time and time again.

‘LOVE’ brings together, for the first time, three passionate groups of the Helsinki nightlife. They have all been here for long and still get excited about the opportunity of giving more then they ever have. The experiences of the past are not forgotten. A masquerade on an Island, a Rock n Roll Rave, an imaginary visit to Renaissance times, the perfect day with Café del Mar, 16 hours in the Sun, or only a One Minute Rave… It is those exact memories that drive these people to build something new. In one of Finland’s most astounding venues, they have the opportunity to create a new now. And it all sounds better with you.

LOVE. Brings us all together.

Misc Management news

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Some news out from the Misc. headquarters:

*Heikki L & Mr.A publish Techtors – Helsinki EP on Danceteria Records.

*DJ Orion releases his debut tune, One Sunday on Solaris Recordings.

*DJ Orkidea is busy with his new remixes of Way Out West’s Ajare and Union Jack’s Two Full Moons And A Trout

*Lil’ Tony releases Raw Trax on Moodmusic with rave reviews.

*Rico Tubbs is busy as ever, currently touring New Zealand. Some late spring dates are still available, ask for more info.

New Dance.Here.Now confirmed club shows:
*Joensuu 7.3.09 (Narcotic Thrust live PA)
*Kajaani 20.03.09 (Mr.A, Heikki L, Kaasi)
*Joensuu 8.5.09 (Orkidea, JS16, Joonas Hahmo)
*Rovaniemi 15.5.09 (Rico Tubbs, Oded Peled)

Latest DJ Bookings (more TBA):
*Leama plays at Clinic @ Bangkok By Night, Helsinki on Easter
*Misc. brings Giles Smith to Club Angel, Tallinn.
* TBA @ Pussy eau de Club 22.5.09
* TBA @ ONE, 30.5.09

For more, see Misc. Management website or Facebook group

Time to Miscbehave!

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MiscBehaving hits RoseGarden for the third time this weekend. The concept is based on an idea, that all the Misc artists bring their chosen artists in, host the night and choose the sound. November’s Miscbehaving is hosted by me and the chosen guests are…

Dave Dresden. The man from the Gabriel&Dresden fame and a very rare sight on a gig in Europe. Truly a master of music and responsible of several classics like As The Rush Comes and remix of Rachel Starr’s Till There Was You. I’m happy to have him finally in Helsinki.

Joonas Hahmo. One of the most promising Finnish acts, Joonas is definitely the man of the moment. Not playing too often in Helsinki, Joonas takes the final slot to end the night with a style. And yes, good news just in – Joonas will soon perform his first live gig at this year’s Pacifique event.

Miscbehaving 01.11.2008
Rose Garden, Helsinki
8EUR // 22-04

Misc Management presents Miscbehaving

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Lehdistötiedote, vapaa levitettäväksi heti.

Miscbehaving on Misc. Managementin uusi kuukausittainen klubikonsepti, joka pidetään joka kuun ensimmäisenä lauantaina Rose Gardenissa, Helsingissä. Suomen vanhin elektronisen musiikin bookkaustoimisto Misc Management on viimeisen 9 vuoden aikana ollut vahvasti kasvattamassa Suomen elektronisen musiikin skeneä ja edustanut Suomen johtavia tiskijukkia, joihin lukeutuvat mm. DJ Orkidea, Mr A, JS16, Infekto ja Heikki L.

Miscin artistit kutsuvat Miscbehaving-iltoihin omia lempiartistejaan ja tämän hetken kuumimpia DJitä ja tuottajia maailmalta ja Suomesta. Jokaisen illan takana seisoo yksi Suomen johtavista tiskijukista, joka ohjaa iltaa musiikillisesti. Luvassa on hyvin laaja skaala elektronista underground-musiikkia: house, trance, breakbeat ja techno ovat kaikki edustettuna MiscBehaving-illoissa.

Miscbehaving-nimellä järjestetään myös isoja klubitapahtumia noin 5-6 kuukauden välein. Ensimmäinen ‘Extremely Miscbehaving‘-tapahtuma pidetään Virgin Oilissa 19.12.08 DJ Orkidean ja hänen kutsumiensa ulkomaalaisten DJ-vieraiden kanssa. Extremely Miscbehaving tulee olemaan talven huomattavimpia progressiivisen housen ja trancen tapahtumia.

Lisää infoa Misc Managementista saa uudistuneilta nettisivuilta:

Ensimmäisen Miscbehaving-illan musiikkitarjonnasta vastaa RICO TUBBS joka tunnetaan myös nimellä DJ INFEKTO. Hän on valinnut vieraakseen legendaarisen drum and bass -artisti ‘DRUMSOUND’:in Englannista sekä Suomen kuumimpiin artisteihin lukeutuvan ABRAHAM:in Large Amount Of Soul (L.A.O.S.) -kollektiivista.

Let’s Miscbehave!


Lauantai 6.9.2008
Klo 22-04
Rosegarden, Iso Roobertinkatu 10, Helsinki
Liput 8€ (naiset ilmaiseksi ennen klo 23.00)
Ikäraja 20


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Miscbehaving! is a new clubnight concept we are throwing in club Rosegarden in Helsinki. Each night, Misc DJ’s will invite and introduce their favorite artists to the Rose Garden crowd. Miscbehaving will be held on every month’s first Saturday.
The line-up for the first MISCBEHAVING night is now online. The mighty Rico Tubbs (aka Infekto) has invited Drumsound (UK) to headline the event. Abraham of L.A.O.S Collective will also play at the opening party. Come and check it out!
Full MiscBehaving info
on Facebook and Klubitus. Remember to check Misc Group on Facebook, too. That’s where the party is.


Where do artists and managers stand?

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Bruce Houghton wrote an excellent blog post about band managers and today’s music business. Managing a band differs from managing an electronic music act or DJ, but there are similarities. I’ve been now part of Misc. Management for about two years, a relatively short part of Misc’s nine year history, but definitely a very active one. So – if Bruce is asking “Where have all the good managers gone?”, I’m asking what is it that makes a good manager? And is exposing a new talent on manager’s responsibility? What is it that young artists should do in the world of smaller and longer careers? And finally, what if managing doesn’t make you rich?

Finding good talent is the hardest job in this business. Exposing it, breaking it through, is almost as difficult.
Bob Lefsetz: Saving the music business

In the field of electronic music being part of an agency is considered valuable for the artist’s career. It might be right, but the role of the agency is often overestimated, too. Young artists expect their career to get an instant boost from being in a respected artist roster and are ready to give the responsibility to the management: “Go on, make me famous.”

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not talking about Misc. artists here. The artists I’m privileged to represent know their responsibility and part of the work. A couple of months ago we finished DJ Orkidea’s Metaverse album tour, which was a good example of what the artist must these days do for successful results.
If all the Web2.0 consultants are telling the companies to be present in the web, write blogs and discuss in order to get loyal customers, why shouldn’t artists do the same?
The management can’t represent artist on social networks and web communities. It’s the artist himself who needs to be personally present, write, ask, answer, listen, meet, share and interact in places where the people are.

But all this 2.0. thing needs to be innovative – if you were thinking about artist writing forum posts or MySpace blogs here, your way of thinking is old-fashioned. And most importantly – it’s the artist who should come up with these ideas and the management’s task is to support it.

We are approaching the times when digital music can’t be marketed, it can only be found. The times when the management is promoting the artists in order to get more gigs sold is over and something much more exciting is ahead. And it means we have hell of an amount of work to do.

So, let’s talk about work.

[…]the new music business is creating a new musical middle class. Rather than a few flash in pan stars, we’re seeing more smaller but longer careers.
Bruce Houghton: Where have all the good managers gone?

I couldn’t agree more here. Longer careers mean bigger amount of work and patience. I’ve seen several DJs hoping to break through but unable to understand that the more influence you will get in the music scene the more work you must do. Also – breakthrough rarely happens overnight, but that’s what people seem to hope. I’m sure doing 10 years of work for the breakthrough, finally making it and then slowly fading out is much more rewarding than working hard half a year, breaking through and then fading out.
Artists should be happy and appreciate of where they stand now. Grass is always greener on the other side, but you can’t know if you’d be talented enough of keep it that green if you were there.

“[…] Managers will be more willing to manage if there’s money, but for there to be money, they need to do a good job managing! This seems to be why a lot of people give managing a shot, and then realize its not worth the headache!”

Above is a part of Gavroche’s comment to Bruce’s post. Artist management is often seen as a wealthy business which it definitely is if you’re the manager of Madonna. Most of times it’s not. But still it has a huge cultural value and big importance to the artists. I haven’t gotten rich while working at Misc, but I’ve met incredible amount of new people, made great friends, travelled a lot, explored new music and been part of influencing Finnish electronic music culture. If I would count my hourly salary, I’d definitely make more money at McDonald’s. I do not regret any of the moments I’ve worked for free for the purpose of making our artists more famous and electronic music more visible.

To sum this all up, I hope you have time to see Tony Robbins’ short speech of Why We Do What We Do. And after it, no matter if you’re an artist or manager or DJ – or anything – ask yourself what is it that you want to do and why and then do it.

But don’t forget to be happy of what you’ve achived already.

Misc. Management website preview

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Misc website, front page

Here’s the preview to the brand new Misc Management website. It will be online any day now (most likely on Friday / Saturday). Above is the main page and below you see how the artist pages are going to look like.

Let’s take a closer look at the features.

1) If you don’t like the background colour, come back later. Misc website has a built-in emotion detector which changes the background colour to match the current feeling of the user. It’s not a perfect detector, but expect the colour change at least once in an hour ;)

2) As you see below, all the artist pages are powered with YouTube and Flickr. Flickr integration allows Flickr users add photos to the galleries and on the artist pages (kind of similar thing what you already saw on the Metaverse Tour) and simplifies sharing the latest artist promo pictures.
YouTube enables us to add fan videos and tracks directly from YouTube to our site. This is pretty simple 2.0. stuff, but after browsing through many agency website I couldn’t find any which would actively use similar features.

3) On Events and Collaborations section you can find bigger Flickr galleries going back to the early years of Misc (We are already 8 years old in July :) and detailed information of the past partnerships with different companies. Also the DJ list is finally up-to-date.

4) Many thanks to Tuomo and Niko for great and professional php help and tips during the project. Huge thank-yous go to Viljami who designed and put the site together and put his time and heart on the code. Viljami is a very professional and nice guy – keep your eye on him for the future for any 3D, Flash, CSS or webdesign tasks. Thanks to all the friends who tested the site and gave your improvement comments, we are working on them.

See on Friday/Saturday this week to give a test drive to the new site.

Misc website, artist page

Metaverse over and out.

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Metaverse - DJ Orkidea Album Release Tour, 2008, front

What a year it has been.

The first ideas of Orkidea’s album release tour were discussed about two years ago between Orkidea and Asaf and the first meetings were held one year ago. After countless emails, discussions, meetings and cups of coffee (and some hard work, too) DJ Orkidea, Misc. Management & Universal Music launched the Metaverse album and the tour in the end of February, 2008.

Yesterday’s sold-out Laserpoint event was the last one of the Metaverse related events and a perfect ending for the tour. The production was top-notch and the atmosphere simply breath-taking. All the respect to Lauri & the Laserpoint possé. (Some Laserpoint on-site interviews available on the voice blogs of Orkidea and me)

Personally the past months have been the most exciting and productive during my whole music career. Organizing the tour has been very busy and extremely stressy, but with the Misc. boys Oded and Asaf and our main man Tapsa we’ve formed a great team sharing all the good and the bad. I could get really emotional about this, but let’s just say they’re 100% professionals with a humble attitude and love for music and life. It’s been a privilege working, learning and sharing the music with people like them.

Also all the sincere thank-yous to all the Metaverse co-promoters, San Mejor, Ismo, Kalle, Jussi, Seb, Flight, Beliar, Exxa & DJShop, Jykä, Miska, Zonex, Ton-E, Toni, Syna & Fiksaatio-possé not to forget thousands of music lovers all over Finland who made the tour worth touring. Share the love :)

Now the tour has ended, but there’s still a lot to do. During the next week I’ll be working on the Metaverse Laserpoint video and the final Metaverse Tour video compilation which compresses the best tour moments to less than two minutes. We will also publish some Metaverse statistics at the same time.

Also, Misc. Management artist roster will see some changes in the near future. We will have a very talented and promising Finnish artist joining the team plus a popular, nice and cool world-class DJ, whose Baltic and Scandinavian performances we will take care of from now on. Exciting times ahead.


Juska / Orion

METAVERSE – DJ Orkidea Album Release Tour

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Universal Music, Ava Recordings UK and Misc. Management proudly present


“Future classic.” -Solarstone

“A true trance album… an absolute winner.” -Gareth Emery

“Unique, retro-futuristic trance at its best.” -Above & Beyond

“Great artist album with a truly unique perspective on modern day sound of trance.” -Armin van Buuren

“Amazing album, i can’t stop listening to it!” -Andy Moor


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Misc news from the scanner’s lair

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I just realized it’s been one year since I joined Misc. Management team. It’s been an incredible year with Peled brothers and the artists we support (and who support us :). Even though the year has passed unbelievably fast, it’s been full of good moments – and hard work. Big thanks for everyone making this possible.

At the moment we are working on DJ Orkidea’s album release tour, starting early next year. I’s going to be a tour to remember, loads of new add-ons, fresh, trendy & cool supporters, interesting artists and venues. In addition to the tour, I’m also looking forward to Misc revealing the new foreign artist on the roster. He’s cool, classic and very oldskool. For the upcoming updates, see – and while waiting, download a couple of mixes, there are some new ones around.

The flyer scanning project is over and it was time to grab some new stuff to scan. Not that I particularly love scanning, but it’s more or less cool to digitalize part of the electronic music history in Finland. I got Orkidea’s techno article collection and scanned over 150 news articles and old magazine advertisements starting from 1993. They are just awesome – the grand old men of techno looking like school boys, talking very serious about this new thing called techno music and guys like Sam Inkinen ranting about machines and techno philosophy. They’ll be published on Orkidea’s site first and then right here. While waiting, check the online Flyer Collection which just got bigger and exceeded the limit of 1600 flyers.

P.S. The article up there is a story of Grandmaster Flash visiting Finland back in 1985. The original story was released in Suosikki magazine. Mad, isn’t it? :) Found the article from DJ Anonymous’ blog.

2006 look-back.

By Blogs & Podcasts, Civilian life, Entertainment, In EnglishNo Comments

To start the double-o-seven properly, I guess it’s time to sum up some of the moments of the past year.

Left Rovaniemi behind and moved to Helsinki. Getting a possibility of being part of Misc Management and working with some of the nicest guys in the southern electronic music scene has been more than delightful. The future looks exciting.

Got a possibility to travel a lot. Loved the Birkweiler wine fields. Saw Belfast, both sides of it.

Graduated. Wrote the Pro Gradu about Flyers in Electronic Music Culture.

After waiting for 11 years, finally saw Underworld live. Also enjoyed the Unity 10th Anniversary, both being the highlights of this year.

Finished remix of EBTG’s “Missing” and a remake of Innerself’s “Gautama”, released seven DJ-mixes and a couple of radio sets. Buried Worldwide Mix Selection podcast project and concentrated on DJ Orion’s podcast with a plenty of hi-quality guest mixes from Finnish artists.

Disliked Teosto and Gramex. Enjoyed some very good movies. Got sentimental while moving away from the north and couldn’t help looking back.

Experienced some very nice gigs such as Spinni in Tampere, Choon! in Turku, Rio88600 in Sotkamo and Sunburn in Kalajoki to mention just a few. Got new friends and got together with the old – humble, simple and honest people, who I – once again – just can’t give enough credit.

Made a new year resolution last year not to involve in any event production or promotion in spring 2006 – and got hands on way too many projects. Expecting the same to happen this year again.

Misc and Misc.

By In English, Links, Music, Photos & VideosNo Comments

First the Misc news and then the Misc. stuff. Boy, I love these smart word games… :P

Misc Management website has a few minor updates, some new mixes, charts etc.

Our beloved oldskool DJ, the mastermind behind Rose Garden and Kuudes Linja (and various others…), mr. Lil’ Tony, has opened a new website called Cosmic City. Cool stuff there, check it out.

Niko recommended Dave’s Lounge podcast on his Softys blog. I’ve subscribed to that as well, but another very good chill-out cast (not independent music, though) is Chill Syndicate. Two hour sets of chill-out – and totally without voice-overs, which is good (as I’ve mentioned earlier).

New Zealand Herald listed TOP 10 songs played at the funeral. A coffin at the altar and Robbie on the speakers. Some people really know how to go with a style… eeeh…

In the end a small word about my photography project. A bit more than a month ago I started a “Project 365” which is about shooting one photo a day of your life. The main idea is to remember small things which you would have forgotten otherwise after a year. The secondary idea is to prove yourself that no matter how dull and similar basic work days sometimes are, they all have a thing or two worth remembering.
These daily taken photographs are uploaded to the Project 365 Flickr set at least once a week. Take a look.

Orion joins Misc Management

By DJ, In EnglishNo Comments

First of all, there are two updates of the website. Biography is again back up-to-date and a bit wider than the former version.

Then, Spinni 10 year anniversary mix is now available for downloading on the mixes site. It was podcasted already some time ago, but if you’re not into any casts, now is a good chance to download it. The mix includes music from artists like Junkie XL, Starecase, Hybrid, David Forbes, Transa etc. Full length mix with old and new tracks included.

Orion joined Misc Management DJ booking agency earlier this week. Misc Management is the first truly professional, dance music oriented dj booking agency – management located in Helsinki, Finland. As well as being part of Misc’s Artist Roster, Orion also works as part of the Misc Management staff from now on. More news concerning the subject should be available pretty soon.