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YleX 15.04.2011 – Biisilista ja uudelleenkuuntelu

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YleX - DJ-ohjelman logo

DJ Orion @ YleX 15.04.2011


1. Warren Clarke – Everybody (Milk & Sugar)
2. Richard Dinsdale – DJ, You’ve Got My Love (Toolroom)
3. Jaytech – Paradox (Anjunadeep)
4. Kazusa & Shingo Nakamura – Dice (Solaris)
5. Timewave – Desolate World (CDr)
6. Mark Eteson – Jumeirah (Mike Shiver’s Garden State Remix) (Monster Tunes)

7. Tilt – I Dream (Nick Rowland Remix – EA2 Edit) (Solaris)

8. Aalto – Resolution (Daniel Kandi’s Solution Mix) (Anjunabeats)
9. Lange, LNG – Harmony Will Kick You In The Ass (Lange Mix) (Magik Muzik)
10. Mory Kante – Yeke Yeke 2011 (Loverush UK! Mix) (Juicy Music)
11. Rico Tubbs & Will Power – Rhyhtm Of The Dub (CDr)
12. Hirshee, Tonye Aganaba – So Good (Big Fish)

XmiX – DJ Orion – Vinyl Classics

1. The Prodigy – Smack My Bitch Up (XL)
2. Lifelike & Kris Menace – Discopolis (Vulture)
3. Stardust – Music Sounds Better With You (Roulé)
4. Der Dritte Raum – Trommelmaschine (Virgin)
5. Underworld – Cowgirl (Bedrock Mix) (Junior Boy’s Own)
6. Audioholics – External Key (Electronic Elements)
7. Beatpusher – RHT (Dallas Superstars Remix) (Unity)
8. Bedrock – Heaven Scent (Original Mix) (Bedrock)
9. Tilt – Rendezvous ft Paul Van Dyk (Quadraphonic Mix) (Hooj Choons)
10. Carrie Skipper – Time Goes By (Super8 Deep Mix) (Anjunabeats)
11. Josh Wink – Higher State of Consciousness (Manifesto)
12. Underworld – Born Slippy (Junior Boy’s Own)

Kuuntele uudelleen YleX Areenalla
DJ Orion – Yle Areena

DJ Orion’s podcast

Lähetä oma biisisi soittoon / lähetä palautetta / selaa vanhoja biisilistoja


DJ Orion @ YleX – 15.04.2011 – XmiX: Vinyl Classics

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LP Surfers

DJ Orion @ YleX – 15.04.2011 – XmiX: Vinyl Classics

Tänä perjantaina YleX:llä soitossa useampikin uudelleenlämmittely vanhoista tanssiraidoista. Käsittelyssä mm. vuoteen 2011 päivitetyt Mori Kanten Yeke Yeke, suomalaisen Aalto-kokoonpanon Resolution, Coronan Rhythm of The Night sekä Tiltin tranceklassikko I Dream.

Toisen tunnin XmiXissä kuullaan tunnin mittainen sukellus vanhan koulun soundiin. Viikon Vinyyli -osuuksista tutut klassikkoraidat on koottu tunnin miksaukseksi ja soitossa ovat mm. The Prodigy, Underworld, Josh Wink, David West, Paul van Dyk, Bedrock ja Der Dritte Raum.

P.S. YleX nauhoittaa kokonaisuudessaan tämän viikonlopun Labyrinth/Laserpoint/Whiteout-tapahtuman. Ensimmäinen nauhoite tapahtumasta kuullaan XmiXissä 6.5.2011. Katso myös muut tulevat XmiX-setit:

Ohjelma on kuultavissa jälkikäteen Ylen Areenalla viikon ajan.

Katso myös ohjelman sivut – huutele studion suuntaan, lähetä palautetta, selaa biisilistoja tai lähetä oma biisisi soittoon.

Tune in – nyt perjantaina klo 22-24.


Picks from the crate #10 – Dave Clarke – Red Series

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A true badass techno series.

Red 1 was bought from Mind Records in 1998 after listening a sample of it via landline telephone.
Red 2 is a new red & transparent repress from Decks Records after I lost my original.
Red 3 was bought from Disco Duck Records, Prague, Czech Republic in 1999.


Any thoughts of this record? Share them in the comments. See also the previous posts in “Picks from the crate” series.

When I die, I want to become a vinyl disc.

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The slogan “Let The Music Play” gets a totally different meaning here… ;) Rest In Vinyl offers to press your cremated remains into vinyl records with your choice of audio. The price is £2000 for 30 discs.

Is vinyl now officially dead? ;)

“When the album that is life finally reaches end, wouldn’t it be nice to keep that record spinning for eternity? We offer you a chance to press your ashes in a vinyl recording your loved ones will cherish for generations.”

Now – what would be your track of choice? Stairway to Heaven or Ashes to Ashes?:)

P.S. If you’re not a vinyl freak but more into sci-fi, how about doing it in Star Trek style?

Picks from the crate #7 – New Order – Blue Monday

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New Order - Blue Monday New Order - Blue Monday

With over 1 million copies sold globally after being released in 1983, this record is definitely not rare. However, it’s a very interesting one. The label – Factory – made a sleeve of the record so complicated that even though Blue Monday is the biggest selling single ever, the label lost money with every copy sold. That’s why the cover got less and less complicated with each new pressing and the latest pressings don’t even have the die-cut sleeves.

The color bar on the sleeve looks random, but it’s not. It actually spells out catalog number, band name and song titles.

I’m happy to have one of the earlier presses with a die-cut sleeve and black inner. The copy also has a pressing mistake – both sides (even though labeled correctly as “Blue Monday” and “The Beach”) contain Blue Monday on them.

Normally, you could expect an early pressing + some mistake to make the record actually worth something, but in this case – with 1 million copies sold – I really can’t believe that’d be the case. However, it would be interesting to know how many similar copies with the mistake are out there.

Any thoughts of this record? Share them in the comments. See also the previous posts in “Picks from the crate” series.

TTI #50, 24.11.2009, Progressive xtravaganza

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DJ Orion’s podcast is a one hour show, casted twice a month from Helsinki, Finland.
Hosted by DJ Orion (Radio 1 Finland, Lost Language, Solaris), the podcast features one Finnish or international guest on each show. For tracklists and more info, see:

01. Eat More Cake – Red Sky (Urbantorque)
02. Last Rhythm – Last Rhythm (Prok & Fitch remix) (CDr)
03. The Temper Trap – Sweet Disposition (Axwell & Dirty South remix) (Infectious)
04. Underworld – Two Months Off (Grayarea’s Four Years Off remix) (CDr)

05. Freyia & Stereonova – Massive (Atollo)

06. Dave Cortex – Ender (Nellie)
07. Proff – Starstruck (Solarity remix) (Silk Royal)
08. Ben Preston – Shot In The Dark (Beneath)
09. Allende – Anxiety (Sedna)
10. Above & Beyond – AnjunaBeach (Jerome Isma-Ae remix) (AnjunaBeats)
11. Midway – What If (In Trance We Trust)
12. The Kleptones – Voodoo Sabotage (The Prodigy vs Beastie Boys) (CDr)

Orion’s podcast on iTunes:
Feed address:


Linkage: Miika Saksi, Derrick May, TTVK.

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Some music & design related links & ideas from the past days.

Miika Saksi (yeah, the guy who made the first Love poster – and much more) – has opened his blog. Cool stuff, check it out.

Derrick May, one of the most famous vinyl supporters has given the much hyped new Transmat release exclusively to Beatport. A good blog post about that – “Yo Derrick, what the fuck?”

In Finland, antipiracy organization TTVK has sued a file sharer (aka a pirate!) for over 3,6 million euros. C-r-a-z-y. Meanwhile, Future of Music blog writes music business is less and less about selling records.
So, where does that sum – 3600000 EUR – come from?

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Vinyl digitalizing: Workflow

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Thanks for the great comments about vinyl digitalizing. Hopefully they’ve been as helpful for other digitalizers as they’ve been to me. With the help of the almighty Google and the opinions shared, I’ve finally reached a certain routin – or workflow – with the digitalizing process. It means, by following a simple step-by-step workflow the speed and quality of digitalizing has improved a lot.

The following vinyl digitalizing method is done with Ableton Live, iTunes and Audacity.

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Vinyl digitalizing: Grado DJ200

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The full entry of Vinyl Digitalizing can be found here. Please add the possible comments there.

Vinyl digitalizing is going well. After Audacity crashed a couple of times I’ve used Ableton Live for recording and normalizing the tracks. Last night I digitalized a nice amount of bootleg breaks from my collection.

The latest questionmark has been the Grado DJ200 cartridges and needles I bought. As I’ve mentioned, the sound quality of Grado is outstanding, but DJ Orkidea pointed out that the sound volume is somehow quiet. He had noticed that compared to the basic Stanton cartridges the volume of Grado is 2-4db more quiet. I tested the sound with Ortofon Pro and noticed 3db difference.

OK, you have a gain switch on your mixer, but the question remains: how much does the gaining affect the dynamics of the sound and the overall sound quality? Because when you gain the sound coming from the channel you also raise the amount of noise. Right?

On my last gig in Kalajoki I played one digitalized vinyl which sounded fine in the club environment, but I had to gain it quite a lot. I saw a way on Logic Pro to raise the volume level without causing any clipping which would be a perfect for this problem – I just wish there would be a way to make this as a batch.

Read more about vinyl digitalizing here and here.

Notes about digitalizing vinyls

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The full entry of Vinyl Digitalizing can be found here. Please add the possible comments there.

– The first 10 tracks are now in digital form. Whee. The first digitalized track was BT – Flaming June (BT & PvD mix).

– Grado DJ200 sound quality is amazing. I’m VERY satisfied with it. It’s worth every cent.

– Before starting to record, I tried a couple of programs:
* Sample Manager for normalizing. Very good, but very expensive. No use, sorry.
* Final Vinyl. Only for use with iGriffin products. No thanks.
* Analogue Ripper had nice features – iTunes support, track splitting etc. However, the user interface was horrible. The price, 30 dollars, was ok, but the usability was that poor that I decided not to pay.

– Finally I ended up using Audacity. The normalizing feature was very poor so no normalizing until I find a better software. Recommendations?

– As I mentioned in the comments of the previous entry, I decided to make two copies of the tracks: One .wav copy for playing and archiving purposes and .mp3 copy for portable music players and iTunes music library.

– I need a new hard drive.

Digitalizing the vinyls

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Ghost In The Vinyl

There’s one loong loong project ahead. Taking each of my vinyls on the turntable set next to my laptop, playing and recording them, normalizing the recording and tagging and archiving the mp3-files. Even if I would just record the most important records, this would take months. I was thinking to make the process a bit shorter, but I ended up having a software question in front of me.

I took the first step today and bought the cartridge which has been told to be the best one available for DJing purposes. No matter to which DJ-needle you compare Grado DJ200, the difference is huge. Check it yourself:

DJ Caro2 tested seven different DJ cartridges and recorded the test. Take a moment and listen the test. The last two loops are recorded with Grado DJ200 – the quality difference is mad. Here are the cartridges used in the test – you can hear each for about 10 sec.

Stanton 500al 1.8g (low weight)
Stanton 500al 3g
Stanton 680Hp 3g
Shure M35X 2g
Shure M44G 1.5g
Ortofon DJ E 3g
Ortofon Elektro 3g
Grado Dj200 3.4g (Technics SL-1200Mk5)
Grado Dj200 3.4g (Stanton STR8-80)

Now as I have the best possible cartridge, I would still need some good software to do as much work for me as possible. Basically the easiest and fastest way to digitalize the vinyls would be to record them to one file without breaks.

So – I need a program which will split this long audio file into separate tracks. Then I need a program which would normalize all these files as a batch.

After this is done, iTunes will take care of the wav-to-mp3 conversion and tagging.

I know there are several DJs and music lovers out there having the same project in their hands. Any software tips, hifi knowledge, experiences or opinions would be very welcome.

edit: Read further notes about the project.