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Tag a flyer.

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Probe, Helsinki, 1992

There’s a nice collection of Finnish Flyers and electronic music articles online on Flickr, say, over 1800 of them.

Now, we would need your help.

When you browse the collection, please add any describing tags to the flyers. Anything will do, names, years, cities, performers, designers etc…

That’s what makes the collection easier and more effective to browse and search. The more the tags, the better.

You need to be logged in in order to add tags.

And yeah, just searching is lot of fun. Try these or make your own searches:
Flyer oldskool Helsinki
Flyer miau
Flyer Turku
Flyer Labyrinth
Flyer Pussy

If you have any Finnish flyers or articles which you would like to be added to the collection, please let me know.

Flyer gallery update

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Destroit4, 1992, front

Shortly in English:
Huge amount of Finnish flyers now online, nearly 2 gigabytes of new material. See them here:

Ja sitten suomeksi:
Uploadasin loput DJ Orkidean flyerikokoelmasta skannatuista flyereistä myös omalle Flickr-tililleni. Yhteensä Flickrissä on edellämainituista ja omista flyereistä skannattuna reilut 1600 flyeriä eri vuosilta.

Kaikki flyerit ovat nähtävissä osoitteessa:

Flickr toimii loistavana hakukoneena eri vuosien, bileorganisaatioiden tai tapahtumien flaikkuja etsittäessä. Kokeile vaikka:

Flyereitä vuodelta 1997
Pussy Clubin flyereitä
Flyereitä Rovaniemeltä

Hakuja pystyy yhdistelemään mitä erilaisimmilla tavoilla, muista vain liittää aina hakuun sana “flyer”.

Jotta hausta saataisiin vielä tehokkaampi, pyydän kaikkia teitä Flickrin käyttäjiä taggaamaan muutama flyeri aina niitä katsellessanne. Tagit löytyvät flyerisivun oikeasta laidasta ja niihin voi lisätä muunmuassa tapahtuman nimen, paikkakunnan, vuoden, tekijän, materiaalin tai muuta tietoa bileistä. Mitä useampi flyeri on tagatty hyvin, sitä enemmän hyötyä online-kokoelmasta on kaikille.

DJ Orkidean kokoelma on nähtävissä myös hänen saitillaan osoitteessa:

Misc and Misc.

By In English, Links, Music, Photos & VideosNo Comments

First the Misc news and then the Misc. stuff. Boy, I love these smart word games… :P

Misc Management website has a few minor updates, some new mixes, charts etc.

Our beloved oldskool DJ, the mastermind behind Rose Garden and Kuudes Linja (and various others…), mr. Lil’ Tony, has opened a new website called Cosmic City. Cool stuff there, check it out.

Niko recommended Dave’s Lounge podcast on his Softys blog. I’ve subscribed to that as well, but another very good chill-out cast (not independent music, though) is Chill Syndicate. Two hour sets of chill-out – and totally without voice-overs, which is good (as I’ve mentioned earlier).

New Zealand Herald listed TOP 10 songs played at the funeral. A coffin at the altar and Robbie on the speakers. Some people really know how to go with a style… eeeh…

In the end a small word about my photography project. A bit more than a month ago I started a “Project 365” which is about shooting one photo a day of your life. The main idea is to remember small things which you would have forgotten otherwise after a year. The secondary idea is to prove yourself that no matter how dull and similar basic work days sometimes are, they all have a thing or two worth remembering.
These daily taken photographs are uploaded to the Project 365 Flickr set at least once a week. Take a look.


By In English, LinksNo Comments

As this blog and the main page is getting more and more visitors from abroad (Spain, Germany, Canada, Netherlands, US, UK, Russia etc…), I started to think it would be a good idea to share some thoughts also in English.

I spent the Sunday afternoon in Flickr making it easier to browse the online flyer collection which I have there. First I uploaded over 50 new flyers and then tagged most of the flyers and sorted them by the city.

It means that now you can easily see some Finnish flyer art and compare the art of clubbing in different cities.
Try it: Flyers from Rovaniemi, Oulu, Haapavesi, Helsinki, Tampere, Turku , Kalajoki and Raahe. Or just see Flyers from Northern Finland or All Flyers. And my favourite: Oldskool flyers.

While searching for the new flyers to add, I found some nice pieces of art. Take a look:

Katharsis-event in Helsinki – really simple and quite unusual style. Only two colours on the front side and three on the back. If I remember right, their club Rauta had more or less the same style. I wish I’d see more of these.

Discomob in Helsinki. I’m always wondering is club Miau! really the only club in Finland brave enough to use humour on their flyers. This one is a good try – makes you at least read the flyer :) I can’t say whether all this “application”-stuff takes the focus away from the real content – the event information – but at least it’s different.

Aeroloft, Helsinki. This “arrival”/”departure” idea has been used a million times but somehow I like the simplicity of this. Mixing Finnish and English isn’t probably the best idea and this air hostess / nurse mixture is quite confusing, but still… OK, this might still need some improvement, but it succeeds to be relaxing. The logo reminds me of the Russian flag, though. Weird, eh?


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Suuri kiitos Pi:lle – sain häneltä käsiini muutamia vanhoja flyereitä Helsingistä ja Rovaniemeltä. Vanhat flyerit Helsingin tapauksessa tarkoittavat vuosia 1992-1993 ja Rovaniemen tapauksessa oldskool on vuosissa 1996-1998. On hauska nähdä, miten flyeritaide on vuosien mittaan muuttunut – ja ennenkaikkea miten tapahtumia ja artisteja on markkinoitu aiemmin.

Jos siis flyeritaide kiinnostaa sellaisten klubien ja tapahtumien kohdalla kuin Destroit, Union, Airave, Temple, Members of Mayday tai Rovaniemen kohdalla House Delight, Sonic Warehouse, White House, Monttu, Flow jnejne, niin tsekkaa allaolevat linkit.

>>>Kaikki flyerit (vanhimmat löytyvät tällä hetkellä alimpaa)
>>>Vain Pohjois-Suomen alueen flyerit