Blogs & PodcastsDJIn EnglishMusic

Make better podcasts

By April 10, 2006 No Comments

Seems like podcasts are going to be the next big thing in DJ-circles. When any of the johndigweeds or above&beyonds releases a new podcast, it jumps directly to iTunes’ Top 20 Music Podcast Charts.

Podcasts are a great opportunity for artists to share music and an easy way for listeners to receive it. So – the technology is just great. I wish the content would be, too :/

I use podcasts as a background music when I’m working or listen to them from my iPod when moving from a place to another. Nothing disturbs me more than an amateur radio voice speaking between each played track. Speaking breaks my concentration and more importantly – it breaks the flow of the music.
Most of the podcast authors are just horrible wannabe radiostars, repeating their 60 character long website URL three times per show with an accent which definitely doesn’t help you to write it down. Or even make you want to.

Many podcasters are nowadays small internet radio channels which have realized that they will get more listeners if they release a podcast. The question remains – why have both? Podcast has so much more freedom of choice that probably you will just lose your online radio listeners if you share the same content on podcasts. Unless your radio show is on or BBC’s Radio One, of course :)

So to summarize all of it:
To make a better podcast…
1) Do not talk. If you have something to say, say it in the end of the show. Then it’s easy to skip or if you’ve really listened that far, maybe you even want to get some more information.
2) Do not talk, pt II. Instead of talking, make links to your podcast description which gives more information about the show, tracklists etc. That’s easier, faster and more effective.
3) Make it short. To grab the attention of the listeners, don’t podcast 2,5h shows. Make it 1h. Or 30min. Or just 15 minutes. It’s easier to get the full picture of the music when the show can be listened while walking to the supermarket.
4) Make it short, pt II. If you broadcast full radio shows, why would you want to podcast the full show? Go and podcast just a part of it and mention in the end the actual broadcast times when you have a possibility to hear the full show. Use the podcast as a advertisement medium, not as a parallel broadcast medium.

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