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Celebrating 5 years and over 100 episodes of Orion’s podcast.

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iTunes includes visualizers. Shown here is the...

It was early October in 2005 when I casted my first podcast episode. In nearly five years, we’ve come a long way – podcasting has become nearly a standard way of sharing radio shows and DJ mixes and unlike five years ago, people feel podcasts are much more convenient way to receive music than direct download links on websites.

DJ Orion’s podcast has been already for some years in Top15 of iTunes Music podcasts in Finland and casted 104 episodes of electronic music. My radio shows on YleX and Radio NRJ will be added regularly to the podcast (without voiceovers, however) in 2010 and additional guest mixes, interviews and whatnot will see the light of the day there, too.

To start the 2010 properly, Episode 105 is now online and downloadable. It’s a one hour Best of 2009 mix, mixture of the best house/prog/trance tracks of last year.

The easiest way to get it (as well as all the upcoming shows) is to subscribe to DJ Orion’s podcast on iTunes. If you’re feeling nerdy and love RSS-feeds, head directly to the podcast feed.

Thanks for listening for all these years. As we forgot to organize a mässssiv celebration for the 100th episode, let’s look forward to the 200th ;)

New address:

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As a technical sidenote: As you might have noticed, my website domain has changed to Everything still works if you use the old url, but I strongly recommend updating your bookmarks to the new one.
RSS-feed and podcast addresses remain the same as before.

Beatport RSS feeds

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Beatport RSS feeds

This feature has nearly doubled the amount of digital music I’m buying. It’s very useful, fast – and addictive.
Some guy has found a way to create rss feeds from latest Beatport releases. As I’m using Netvibes, it was easy to drop the feeds I want on my personal Netvibes and boom – now I’ll get the latest progressive, breaks, electro and house releases directly to my start page – in real time.
In order to listen to them, I don’t need to visit Beatport – Netvibes has a built-in podcast/media player, which works like a charm. If I find something worth buying I just click on the link and end up to the release site of Beatport.

Get the Beatport rss feeds and try it out.