
Beatport Downloader

By August 30, 2007 No Comments

Beatport has released “Beatport Downloader“, a program which “allows you to download and organize your entire purchased music library with one click. No more incomplete or lost music, easily see the status of all your downloads. Organize your music like never before through the Downloader’s folder naming preferences. This feature allows for full control of how you store and search your music library.”

In a competition between the electronic music mp3 shops, Beatport has realized it’s not about the music you sell, it’s about how you sell it. Forget the dull newsletters, how reads them anyways. Innovative music marketing such as this Downloader or user-based news and blogging system Beatportal are just good examples how the music industry is about (and has) to change.
I’m happy to see that electronic music industry is one of the trend-setters in the business and isn’t afraid to try new ways of marketing.

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  • Jasmo says:

    Today the service was quite slow (ok, it’s beta, but nowadays everything is beta) but automagical downloading is great thing.

    Too bad there was no enough choices for naming files and folders by tags (like: genre) but maybe we can get more options when it gets ready, if it ever does.

    Good tip though!

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