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Brotherhood review @ Musicritics

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Nice guys at Musicritics wrote a review of Brotherhood single. Check it out below.

Also, Flight & Jontey’s remix was chosen as a “featured track” on and the original version has now climbed to TOP50 on Audiojelly’s chill-out charts.

Here’s the review – however, I recommend checking it at Musicritics website.

DJ Orion returns to our hallowed blogs, with a follow-up to his debut on Solaris, this time taking the sister label Lost Language for a spin. Brotherhood is a collaboration between himself and one J. Shore, both of whom combined forces with Russian progressive hotshot Mango, to create Raining In Osaka. Along for the ride are Ayelon, Flight and Jontey (New names to me), DJ Taucher (A German veteran of the scene), and Anton Sonin. Read on!

Brotherhood (Original Mix)

This is a simple tune, but it’s simply effective. We steadily slide through, being guided by a piano through waves of strings and french horn. Some barely tangible percussion gives a bit of atmosphere, but really the centerpieces are the piano, strings, and horn. And, ringing in at eight minutes, it is apparent that there is a story to be told (Most chill-out tracks I’ve seen usually clock in at no more than five minutes). It’s earmarked with all the elements of a good organic soundtrack, while being distinctly and synthetically chill-out…On a final note, it’s nice to see dynamics in the waveform, something not too common within electronic music, and even without nowadays.

Brotherhood (Ayleon Remix)

Ayleon appears on on the roster to once again drive us into Finnish goodness. Driving beats and toothed basslines guide us in, but the break reveals the original’s determination, as the bassline unravels and ushers in a breakbeat, which subsequently unravels into piano and strings [guitar(both kinds) and pads alike]…Yes, I just used math syntax. Anyways, the breakbeat winds back in to build us up into that gnarly groove. While Ayleon really does not take this one to the level of atmosphere that the original has, they certainly knock it out of the park on the energy front!

Brotherhood (Flight and Jontey Remix)

These guys are taking the progressive route, judging by their swarthy intro. We are guided forward by the original’s piano and a bleeping arp, which is eventually joined by warm rhythm synths and pads. This one just flutters about, being guided by that arp, which is rather well-programmed; it starts as something bleepy, and morphs into something full and rich. If you are looking for a driving rhythm-based slice of progressive, with atmosphere, look no further!

Brotherhood (DJ Taucher Adult Mix)

DJ Taucher, you say? I say! This mix has a lovely moody intro, complete with an excerpt of spoken-word…No idea where it’s from though. And with that, we plug forward into the darker depths of Taucher’s sound. It starts out with some vocoded rhythm synths and the layers are gelled on gradually, as a riff of acid wolps into the mix. This one is for the darker progressive/techno lovers!

Brotherhood (DJ Taucher Genetic Mix)

The Genetic Mix is quite similar in structure to the Adult Mix, what with the intro with monologue. However, things really take change with the addition of a kick. The bassline is wobblier this time around, bells echo through the fields of stereo, and in general this one is more atmospheric and melody-driven. You still get your daily allotted dose of darker Brotherhood, though.

Brotherhood (Anton Sonin Remix)

Anton turns in a trance remix, but it’s a little broodier than its Ayelon counterpart. We build from the start and casually find ourselves in the piano-driven break. It’s a pretty casual mix, something to wind down to, but it really could use some more energy…But maybe it’s just me.

[Insert “Fins win” comment here]

You’ve heard what we have to say with regards to those Fins, so I need not say it again! I’m offering my nod to the Ayelon remix and the original mix…I love them both! 8/10.

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DJ Tiesto ja Andy Moor Tiistain Tanssi-illassa 13.10.2009

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DJ Tiesto promo pic

13.10.2009 Tiistain Tanssi-illan ensimmäisellä tunnilla kuullaan DJ Tiëston puhelinhaastattelu. Uuden levyn julkaisuun valmistautunut Tiësto saatiin kiinni Ukrainasta ja mies antoi mielenkiintoisia kommentteja Kaleidosope-levynsä lisäksi myös keikkarutiineistaan ja trancen nykytilasta.

Biisivieraana ensimmäisellä tunnilla on Suomeen 24.10. saapuva Andy Moor. AVA Recordingsia pyörittävä miekkonen kertoo biisivierasosuudessa kuulumisensa ja pyöräyttää tulevan julkaisun levymerkiltään.

Lisäksi maailmanensi-illassa Joonas Hahmon debyyttijulkaisu Break The Sky Oxyd Recordsilla sekä Suomen ensisoitto Super8 & Tab -kaksikon uudesta Irufushi-sinkusta, uutta Ayleonia, viikon vinyyli, Shiloh-duon comeback-sinkku sekä uusi remiksi vanhasta Renaissance-hitistä FreefallSkydive.

Tune in. Nyt tiistaina klo 21-22


Tanssi-ilta livenä myös Twitterissä: @YleX & @Juska

Andy Moor press pic

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YleX Tiistain Tanssi-ilta 01.09.2009

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Tiistain Tanssi-ilta

DJ Orion @ YleX – Tiistain Tanssi-ilta 01.09.2009

Tiistain Tanssi-ilta tracklist
01. Unclubbed (Rui Da Silva) – Touch Me (with Abigail Bailey) (Pacha)
02. MyloDrop The Pressure (Proff remix) (CDr)
03. Burns – First Move (Fred Falke remix) (21:12)
04. Pryda – Waves (Pryda)
05. Arno Cost – Cyan (Michael Feiner remix) (We Play)
06. Weird Science – Haus Of Cards (Laidback Luke remix) (Mixmash)
07. Sami Saari – Electric Love (Captured)
08. Dennis De Laat – Sound Of Violence (Dub mix) (Confidence)
09. Nic Chagall – This Moment (Dub mix) (High Contrast)

10. Ayleon – Lost Sign (CDr)

11. Cold Blue – Mount Everest (Dennis Sheperd remix) (Anjunabeats)

12. Skynet UK – Open The Floodgates (Whoop!)

13. John ’00’ Fleming & Digital Blonde – Oxygene (Astral Projection remix) (JOOF)

Tiistain Tanssi-ilta links
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Listen Tiistain Tanssi-ilta again on YleX Areena (works in Finland only):

DJ Orion’s podcast

Tiistain Tanssi-ilta @ KLUBITUS
Tiistain Tanssi-ilta @ IRC-GALLERIA
Tiistain Tanssi-ilta @ FACEBOOK
Tiistain Tanssi-ilta @ YLEX

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Tiistain Tanssi-ilta 01.09.2009: biisivieras Ayleon

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Ayleon - promotional photo

Tiistain Tanssi-illan ensimmäisen tunnin Biisivieraana 01.09.2009 kuullaan seinäjokelaisen Ayleon-duon mietteitä. Omaperäisten ja valtavirrasta erottuvien trance-remixien myötä komeasti huomiota saanut kaksikko kertoo viimeisimmät kuulumiset studiolta ja pyöräyttää radioensi-illassa uuden kappaleensa Lost Sign.

Tanssi-illan ensimmäisellä tunnilla lisäksi tuoreita versioita Rui Da Silvan, Cassiuksen, Mylon ja Arno Costin hiteistä sekä psy-trance -näkemys Jean Michel Jarren Oxygene-klassikosta. Lisäksi ranskahousea Fred Falkelta, ruotsisoundia Laidback Lukelta ja tuttuun tapaan viikon vinyyli, tällä kertaa trancen kultaiselta vuodelta 1998.

Tune in. Nyt tiistaina klo 21-22


Brotherhood signed to Lost Language

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Lost Language logo

Happy news. The legendary trance label, Lost Language, has signed my second single Brotherhood.

I’m really excited of the possibility of getting Brotherhood released on that particular label. It’s one of my all-time favourite trance labels which released amazing tunes already in the early 2000. The label was originally a parent label of Hooj Choons and led by Ben Lost, but it works independently today.

Some of my personal Lost Language highlights are Solarstone’s Seven Cities, Salt Tank’s Eugina, Barraka’s Song To A Siren, Lustral’s Broken, Midway’s Monkey Forest, Tilt’s The World Doesn’t Know and many, many more.

DJ Orion & J.Shore – Brotherhood will be out in November 2009 on Lost Language including remixes from Ayleon, Flight & Jontey, DJ Taucher and Anton Sonin. Listen to the clips and read more.

Sunburn 2009 review

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Despite the cloudier and more rainy weather than I expected, the atmosphere in Kalajoki was still the same as every year: Loads of smiling, open-minded people with a good sense for good electronic music. You could still see the last red and orange colours of the sunset above the sea in the horizon from the open windows of the club when I started – really a beautiful, classic view – and an unique one, at least in Finland.

I started with a bit more techier/tech-housier tracks like Mason’s Kippschwinger and Sander Kleinenberg’s This Is Our Night and headed towards more proggy & trancey vibes. Both Ayleon’s and Flight&Jontey’s remix of my upcoming Brotherhood track went down really well, Kyau&Albert’s new track “Grrreat” got a really good response and for the full Sunburn experience some Sun was needed, this time from Slusnik Luna, which was probably the track of the night.

A big hand for the audience and the Dyyni staff, you’re the best – it was really a pleasure visiting Kalajoki again. And biggg thank-yous to DJ Kaasi – it seems to the time spent together never fails to be entertaining and full of fun :)

Tiistain Tanssi-ilta 4.8.2009: Back to basics

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Elokuun ensimmäisessä Tiistain Tanssi-illassa 04.08.2009 palataan muutaman erikoislähetyksen jälkeen normaaliin päiväjärjestykseen. Luvassa uutta house- ja trance-vetoista soundia niin kotimaasta kuin ulkomailtakin; lautasilla Andy Moor, Jerome Isma-Ae ja Kyau&Albert sekä huima uusi Solarity-sinkku AnjunaDeepiltä. Suomi-soundista vastaavat Ayleon, FBOTI, Matias Lehtola ja Timo Juuti. Lisäksi kuullaan viikon vinyyli Suomeen saapuvalta Paul Oakenfoldilta ja koko viime kuun edestä musauutisia.

Tune in. Nyt tiistaina klo 21-22


DJ Orion & J.Shore – Brotherhood (Lost Language)

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DJ Orion - Brotherhood (Lost Language)


iTunes –
Beatport –
Audiojelly –
DJDownload –

“DJ Orion & J.Shore – Brotherhood” is a sequel for One Sunday, a chill-out track with a bit more cinematic feel, yet hypnotic and laid-back. The track builds up slowly and with an oldskool vibe and peaks after 5mins to massive orchestral section.

Remixes come from Ayleon (trance), Flight & Jontey (progressive house), DJ Taucher (progressive oldskool trance) and Anton Sonin (trance). Check the clips below.

Coming up on Lost Language in November 2009.

DJ Orion & J.Shore – Brotherhood (Lost Language)
01. Brotherhood – Original Mix
02. Brotherhood – Ayleon remix
03. Brotherhood – Flight & Jontey remix
04. Brotherhood – DJ Taucher Adult Mix
05. Brotherhood – Anton Sonin remix
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