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Exotic end-of-the-summer: 90’s Vibe, 10000 Scouts, Raving @ Hartwall Arena, Techno at a Waterpark

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I bet it can’t get too easily as busy and exotic as this week is going to be. We started on Monday a two-day studio session with Heikki L, doing a cover/remake of an oldskool rave classic “Bizarre Inc – Playing With Knives” (video behind the link & embedded below). Feeling the early 90’s vibe? In addition to updating the rave piano riff to 2010, we also learned those dance moves, dressed up like MC Hammer and watched all seasons of Melrose Place.


On Wednesday, 4.8, I’ll head to the woods of Hämeenlinna where over 10000 boy- and girlscouts are having the biggest scout camp in Finland. The camp ends on Thursday and on Wednesday night there’s a biiig party where I was invited. In addition to me, Jangler from will take care of the breaks and beats. This must be among the most exotic gig experiences and I’m really excited to get there to enjoy the camp atmosphere and rave with the mosquitoes. You can find more information about the camp @


The exotic vibe continues on Thursday @ Helsinki’s Hartwall Areena. There’s an annual Assembly demo party, a demoscene and gaming event (see wikipedia), which gathers around 5000 attendees every year. I’ve never been in the middle of 5000 people madly excited about computers – which sounds like a crazy amount of glowing screens and endless sound of tapping keyboards. Where’s the survival guide?
For those needing a well earned break after sitting the whole day at their computers, there’s a three day rave party starting on Thursday at midnight. I’ll be starting the event full-on right after midnight, warming up the floor for DJ Proteus, who never needs any kind of a warm up ;) Thanks to Pasi @ Sequence for the invitation, let’s rave until the blue screen appears! More info about Assembly @


On Friday I’ll head to Mikkeli, which itself is exotic enough to fit to this week’s theme. The nice possé from Guru entertainment have been organizing a summer club @ Vaakuna and I’ll be headlining on Friday with a proper 2,5h set. The event will be held at Vaakuna, Facebook event is here. It’s actually my first visit to Mikkeli ever, looking forward to see the city and the nightlife. Come drop by if you’re around.


The travel continues on Saturday to Vaasa to finalize the exotic week with some über-exoticness. Fiksaatio possé have been doing some great parties during the past years, not only in Seinäjoki, but also in nearby cities and pulled some well earned attention towards them. Now, to end a memorably hot summer in Finland, Fiksaatio organizes a massive party “Fantasia” in a local spa/waterpark Tropiclandia with 15 top-class DJs and live acts (Alex Kunnari, Joonas Hahmo, Flight, Syna, OlliS, Ville Lope, Sami Saari…), 32C heat and a vibe to remember. Needless to say, the event is definitely something unique in the area and definitely worth checking, I’m really happy to have a possibility to be part of it. Check the official website or Facebook event for more info.

Tiistain Tanssi-ilta YleX Popissa

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YleX Pop 2009

Tiistain Tanssi-ilta on mukana YleX Pop -kaupunkifestivaalilla.

Tanssi-illan väki sekoittaa settejä perjantaina 29.5. Helsingin keskustassa Pohjoisen Rautatiekadun ja Fredrikinkadun kulmassa sijaitsevassa Nollassa. Tarjolla on DJiden normaalista repertuaarista eroavia kokonaisuuksia:

Leena Lehtinen soittaa baleaarista loungea.
DJ Orion soittaa oldskool-housea ja ravea.
OlliS soittaa ysäri-trancea ja progea.
Jori Hulkkonen soittaa F Communications –leibelin tuotantoa.

Sisään pelkällä narikkamaksulla.

Pe 29.5.09 klo 21-03 K-22
Nolla, Pohj. Rautatienkatu 21, Helsinki

Tapahtuman Facebook event

One Summer Starter this Saturday

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This Saturday One returns to Tanssitalo to start the summer. For me this also means a short break with One – unfortunately I can’t be present at the first One of the upcoming autumn (for the reasons I will tell later), so I will definitely make the most out of this experience. Check the One trailer above (fantastic work by joili) and the details below.

ONE Summer Starter

Saturday 30.5.2009, 22 – 04, K18, 10€ @ Tanssitalo / Tampere

NIKLAS HARDING [Armada, Denmark] OLLIS [YleX] ORION [Misc, YleX]

I’m really excited of hearing Niklas’s set again – the last time must have been on Iglu tour years ago and it was just brilliant. Niklas’s career has been very very successful in the past years and I’m assuming this will a One to remember… :)

For more, check One Facebook event or visit One website

Tiistain Tanssi-illan DJ:t YleXPop-kaupunkifestareilla

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“YleXPop-tapahtuma järjestetään tänä vuonna kaupunkifestarina. Toukokuun lopussa Helsingin keskustassa järjestettävä kaksipäiväinen festari sisältää kolme klubia ja yhden ilmaiskonsertin.

YleX Popin klubikeikat järjestetään perjantai- ja lauantai-iltoina 29. ja 30. toukokuuta Nosturissa ja Bar Loosessa. Lisäksi perjantaina ohjelmistossa on Nolla-klubi, jossa levyjä pyörittävät YleX.n Tiistain tanssi-iltojen dj:t Jori Hulkkonen, DJ Orion ja OlliS.

Lauantaipäivänä 30. toukokuuta Lasipalatsin aukiolla pidetään ilmaiskonsertti, jossa nähdään Samae Koskinen & Hänen Taikabändinsä, Risto, The Capital Beat ja uuden Kesäkumibiisin esittäjä. Konsertin juontavat YleX:n Marja Hintikka ja Ile Uusivuori.

– YleXPop täyttää tänä keväänä viisi vuotta ja pienen piristyksen sijaan päätimme tehdä tapahtuman kokonaan uudella tavalla. Aikana jolloin yleisöt pirstaloituvat pieni on kaunista – yhden massakonsertin sijaan on parempi tehdä jotakin pienille yleisöille. Tämä tukee myös kanavan perusajatusta olla monipuolinen ja ajankohtainen, YleX:n kanavapäällikkö Satu Keto-Kantele sanoo.

YleXPop -keikkoja voi seurata suorana YleX:n nettisivuilla osoitteessa, kännykällä YleX:n mobiilipalvelujen kautta tai kuunnella radiosta. Tapahtuman klubikeikat on tuotettu yhteistyössä Live Nationin kanssa, ja esiintyjävalikoima täydentyy vielä kevään aikana.

YleXPop järjestetään nyt viidennen kerran. Aikaisempina vuosina Helsingin Kaisaniemessä on järjestetty iso ilmaiskonsertti.”


The anatomy of Tiistain Tanssi-ilta

By Civilian life, Radio, UncategorizedNo Comments

The misassumption of running Tiistain Tanssi-ilta is that it doesn’t take much time. When I started working at YleX in the beginning of the year, Orkidea, OlliS and Leena all told me that running a well planned show bi-weekly is going to take hell an amount of time. I did believe them, but still I was surprised how much work it actually is. Here’s the short anatomy of one Tiistain Tanssi-ilta show:

– Tuesday – one week before the show
Compiling the first version of the tracks selected to the upcoming show. Writing the press announcement about the upcoming featured artist. Making possible interviews. Writing and scheduling a blog post which includes the press release and setting it to go live on Saturday or Sunday.

– Thursday/Friday
Mixing and mastering the final one hour version of the show. Fitting in the pre-recorded parts such as Featured Artist and possible interviews. Archiving an mp3 copy, leaving the .wav file for broadcasting.

– Saturday/Sunday
Releasing the info about the upcoming show all over the web. Sending the tracklist and press announcement to YleX. Listening through the one-hour mix at least once for the manuscript writing purposes. Writing and scheduling the blog post which includes the tracklist and the selected music news from the past weeks. The blog post goes live on Tuesday 21:55.

– Monday
Going through the tracks and gathering the Teosto information. Sending the reminder to the next Featured Artist. Making the manuscript for the next day’s show (I’m pretty used to this already, but it still takes more than one hour to do).

– Tuesday – Tiistain Tanssi-ilta
Heading to Pasila about 1,5h before the show. Writing the Teosto information for every track played in the show: Track name, Artist name, Artist’s real name, Country, Year, Label, Catalog Number, Original Track Length, Played Track Length. Setting the Yle Areena to work correctly and to broadcast Tanssi-ilta on-demand for the next week. Plugging the laptop to the YleX mixer, setting the mics and jingles ready, playing the show, making the voice-overs live. Leaving Pasila about 5 minutes after the show. Checking that the show information has gone live as planned on the blog and on YleX services.

– Wednesday – (two weeks before the next show)
Searching for new music for the next show and sorting out news for the next show start. These two go on daily for the next two weeks and take a pretty significant amount of time. Sending a reminder to the next featured artist, if not gotten a pre-recorded voice-over and the featured track yet. Informing about the past show, posting through the forums and social media. Answering the emails and feedback. Having a couple of days “free” and starting from the beginning again :)

I once counted that you use easily a full work day (8 hours) for the routines mentioned above. If an interview is included, you can count 2-3 hours extra work and all these hours definitely do not include searching and listening through the new music, which easily takes in average 1-2 hours a day.

Work is either fun or drudgery. It depends on your attitude. I like fun.
-Colleen C. Barrett