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07.10.2011 – Biisilista ja uudelleenkuuntelu

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YleX - DJ-ohjelman logo

DJ Orion @ YleX 07.10.2011


1. Avicii & Guetta Vs Kings of Leon – Sex On Sunshine (Blake Jarrell mashup) (CDr)
2. Eric Prydz – 2Night (Pryda)
3. Kobana & Mario Hatchet – Weekend Memories (Silk)
4. Alexey Sonar – Flashback (Ben Coda Remix) (Tactal Hots)
5. Tilt – I Dream (Soulfire Rework) (CDr)
6. Eximinds – M82 (Unearthed)
7. Andrew Bayer – From The Earth (Breakfast Remix) (Anjunabeats)
8. Ayleon – India (K-DE Remix) (Subtraxx)

9. Camo & Krooked – Cross the Line (feat. Ayah Marar) (Hospital)

10. Camo & Krooked – Get Dirty (feat. TC) (Hospital)
11. Camo & Krooked – Watch It Burn (feat. Ayah Marar) (Hospital)
12. ID – ID (Subsonik & Muffler remix) (CDr)

XmiX: Nick Warren (UK)

1. Fabian Schuman – Black Vel-alcutia (Microtrauma Remix)
2. Tom Glass – Naive (Nick Warren’s Psychedelic Wheel Mix)
3. Joel Mull – Sensory (Aril Brikha Remix)
4. Paul Loraine – Once Again
5. Gui Boratto – The Third
6. Slam – Eterna
7. Hartmut Kiss – Water Games (Eelke Kleijn Remix)
8. Hal Incandenza – Little Mountains (Mono Electric Orchestra remix)
9. Max Cooper – Echoes Reality (Applescal remix)
10. Root – Panorama (Ripperton Remix)

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DJ Orion @ YleX – 07.10.2011 – XmiX: Nick Warren (UK)

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Nick Warren press pic

DJ Orion @ YleX – 07.10.2011 – XmiX: Nick Warren (UK)

YleX:n lokakuun perjantai-iltojen XmiX-artistikattauksen avaa brittiläinen elektronisen musiikin pioneeri Nick Warren. Way Out West -kokoonpanossakin vaikuttava bristolilaismies on uransa aikana ennättänyt mm. Amerikan kiertueelle Massive Attackin kanssa sekä soittanut lähes tulkoon kaikissa merkittävissä klubeissa ympäri maailman. Keikkailun ja musiikintuotannon lisäksi miehellä on vielä ohessa aikaa toimia Hope Recordsin A&R -henkilönä. Suomeen 14.10. saapuvalta Nick Warrenilta kuullaan eksklusiivisesti YleX:ää varten tehty tunnin mittainen XmiX sekä haastattelu klo 23.

DJ Orionin ensimmäisellä tunnilla soitossa mm. Tilt, Camo & Krooked, Ayleon, Muffler, Kobana, Eric Prydz sekä Kings of Leon ja haastattelussa Nepaliin klubimusiikin ja hyväntekeväisyysprojektin merkeissä lähtevä Misc. Managementin Oded Peled.

Ohjelma on kuultavissa jälkikäteen Ylen Areenalla viikon ajan.

Katso myös ohjelman sivut – huutele studion suuntaan, lähetä palautetta, selaa biisilistoja tai lähetä oma biisisi soittoon.

Tune in – nyt perjantaina klo 22-24.


Picks from the crate #6 – Vector 13 – Rise

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Vector 13 - Rise

In the late 90’s and early ’00, the first Finnish superclub Screen brought in quite a bunch of prog house names who were enjoying their worldwide success when progressive house was darker and hotter than ever.

I spotted this tune on one of the videos or recordings made at the club (both, especially hi-quality video clips from clubs were relatively rare at that time) and as often those times, it took me months to get to know the name and the track and hunt down the vinyl copy.

Even though this definitely is an underrated gem, Nick Warren gave it some deserved publicity and added it on his Global Underground – Reykjavik compilation.

Listen to it below or on Youtube. Feelin’ the early 2000 vibe?

Any thoughts of this record? Share them in the comments. See also the previous posts in “Picks from the crate” series.

Short chatter with Nick Warren

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Jack 21.03.2009 poster

Oded from Misc. had a short chat with Nick Warren, who’s visiting Jack club in Helsinki this weekend. Read the latest news and thoughts below.

Hey Nick ! You are almost here with us again… How do you feel about coming to Helsinki this weekend ?
“I always love coming to Helsinki, the clubs and crowds there are always fantastic and as I have a Finnish girlfriend it almost feels like home”

You are playing at Redrum, the countries leading underground venue. Any expectations?
“I went there last year to see Loco Dice and really liked the place so can’t wait to spin there”

What’s the most fun you have had in Finland ?
“Petra and I rented a summer cottage a couple of years ago, I loved the peace and beauty of Finland”

Global Underground Lima is your 8th GU compilation… Which one of the eight is your personal favorite ?
“I think Lima is my best one so far, I am very happy with it”

Who would you like to see doing a Global Underground ? (someone that still hasn’t)
“I would love to hear a Gui Boratto GU album, I am a big fan of his work”

The amount of music out there is bigger then ever. But there are still only 24 hours a day. Do you think you listen to more music today, than let’s say 10 years ago ?
“Much more, especially as so much comes via the internet and you can listen at your laptop”

We hear the new Way Out West album is almost done… What was your goal, when planning the album ?
“The album should be finished by the time I come to Helsinki! Jody and I are very pleased with the way it sounds, it ranges from chillout to techno and has some male vocals. I will play some of the tracks at Redrum”

You have practically travelled the whole world. If you ever retire, where would you settle down ?
“I would love to live the in England for part of the year and in Finland in the summer”

Jack – It’s Super Jack!

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”In the beginning, there was Jack, and Jack had a groove.
And from this groove came the groove of all grooves.
And while one day viciously throwing down on his box Jack boldy declared,
Let there be HOUSE!
and house music was born.”


There are models and there are super models. There are also DJs and super DJs and Nick Warren is truly one of the original superstar DJs. He is creator Read More