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Tracklist: DJ Orion @ Miscbehaving after-rave 25.10.2009

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DJ Orion @ MiscBehaving After-Rave, Playground, 25.10.2009

01. Elia – Cats (Kanio’s Novakane mix)
(02. DJ Flight b2b track)
03. Philip Baden, Nicone – Charma Doll (Aka Aka remix)
(04. DJ Flight b2b track)
05. Who’s Who – Klack (Joris Voorn remix)
(06. DJ Flight b2b track)
07. Voorn & Helden – Sweep The Doctor (Orion & Flight re-edit)
08. Catz ‘n Dogz – Me feat Pol_On
09. Mastiksoul – Macaron
10. Alex Kenji – Jack That Body
11. Ronan Portela – Beat Up
12. Last Rhythm – Last Rhythm (Prok & Fitch remix)
13. Tim Deluxe – Storm In a Teacup
14. Signor Andreoni, Alessio Mereu, Bunkers – Barajas
15. Huggy, Dean Newton – 747
16. Analog People In A Digital World – Circus (Instrumental)
17. Wolfgang Gartner – Latin Fever
18. Human Resource & Portman – Dark Is The Dominator For All (Orion & Flight re-edit)
19. D.Ramirez, Mark Knight & Underworld – Downpipe

One of coolest afterhour experiences in a while, loads of happy people and really moody but uplifting morning atmosphere. Thanks to you & Flight, Casper & Genki for beats & heats.

Nothing can replace the uplifting feeling you get of just being there.
-Jeff Mills

Extremely Miscbehaving, 24.10.2009 @ Helsinki Club & Playground

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The first Extremely Miscbehaving event one year ago @ Virgin Oil was a blast. It attracted nearly 1000 people just a couple of days before Christmas with Redanka and Solarstone as headliners. The main idea behind Miscbehaving events is that one of Misc. Management artists invites 1-3 foreign or domestic & fresh or oldskool talents and builds the lineup to represent his idea of quality electronic music.

On 24.10. we’ll see another round of Miscbehaving madness as DJ Orkidea invites legendary Renaissance resident Ian Ossia and one of the hottest trance names currently – Andy Moor – to headline a Miscbehaving night at Helsinki Club. The oldskool trance/prog fellow DJ Coma will be taking care of the warm-up.

The night continues at Playground at 05:00 as an official afterparty. I’ve invited some of the most interesting current domestic names to share the early underground morning hours with me: First of all DJ Casper, who has convinced me lately with his superb techno sets. He’s a guy living the music 100% and is one of the true rising stars currently. He’s not only a guy for dark underground venues but has caught my attention by playing really rocking groovy summery sets, too.
Then, my good ol’ friend DJ Flight. We’ve shared the DJ booths and organized club events together more than a dozen times last year and I greatly admire his uncompromised professional attitude. Flight is not only a great person, but also easily one of the top house jocks in Finland at the moment. Easy choice of picking him in.
And lastly, DJ Genki, an oldskool and multi-genre-talent jock – breaks-psy-dnb-techhouse-techno-younameit! He has an ear for killer tracks whatever style he plays, but his techno sets have been the ones totally ripping it. A perfect choice for ending the night, no matter how late it gets… :)

Check the Miscbehaving event details at Klubitus and read the latest news at or at Misc Management’s Twitter.


DJ ORKIDEA (Unity, Love, Jack) invites:
IAN OSSIA (Renaissance, UK)
COMA (Pussy, Clinic)

Visuals Beige/Harmaa
Light Design Tea & Severi (Unity)

Where: Helsinki Club, Yliopistonkatu 8
When: Saturday 24.10.2009
Time: 21-04
Tickets: 14€ + booking fee. available from Tiketti from the 14th of September


DJ ORION (YleX, Lost Language) invites:
FLIGHT (Romance)
GENKI (Exogenic)
CASPER (Helsinki)

Where: Playground, Iso Roobertinkatu 10
When: Sunday 25.10.2009
Time: 05-12
Tickets: 8€ with main event ticket and 10€ without. Available from the door only!

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MiscBehaving and One weekend

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Monday morning and on a train back to Helsinki. The christmas holiday has started and as I wrote earlier, a lot was expected from the past weekend. And it was a blast!

Miscbehaving on Friday at Virgin Oil saw one of the coolest stage sets in a long time. Decos by Unity’s Markus, lights by Tea and Severi and Beige/Harmaa’s visuals from 14 oldskool computer monitors did their job. I played the first rhythms downstairs and enjoyed the truly deep vibe of the first two and half hours. At the main stage, Redanka played probably the finest proggy set I’ve heard in a long time. Driving, even technoish tracks, all new to me, spiced with a couple of classics and a stage charisma like no other.

Also, the give-away masks did their job and created a slightly miscbehaving vibe… ;)


DJs Ramses and Tutankhamon

On Saturday, a long waited season ending of Tampere-based One club was at hands. Flight & Uzu had really done fantastic preparations, the club was packed with oldskool faces and smiling newcomers all over Finland (at least Hämeenlinna, Lahti, Oulu, Turku, Helsinki represented). The atmosphere was high, people were enjoying and – I must have mentioned this before – there was a glimpse of the very original Tampere-fiilis(tm) around. I started the night with a technoish sound and moved then towards a bit more progressive house. See the full tracklist.
Claes Rosen – Mystify (Dinka remix) has really become the anthem of One and the reaction just before the midnight was stunning. I ended my set with Sami Saari’s remix of One Sunday, which proved to be a proper dancefloor tune, too.

Orkidea continued after me with strong progressive house tracks and dropped his new versions of Ajare and Two Full Moons And A Trout. Gareth Emery‘s remix of Metaverse still does its job and brought literally some tears in the eyes of some first row dancers. A good proof of a musically intensive night, huh? ;)

It was a pleasure meeting Solarstone finally in person, he is a truly a nice guy with a very professional attitude and a true magician behind the decks. I enjoyed his trance sound as it didn’t get too techy and according to the people’s reactions, the classics like Seven Cities and 3rd Earth were just the stuff they wanted to hear.

In just a couple of months, One has brought back something to Tampere scene what has been missing for years and has become one of the most interesting and promising new club concepts in whole Finland. I can’t wait for the upcoming season to kick off… :) Big thank-yous still to everyone who showed up – despite being busy very much the whole night it was very nice to have good chats with so many nice people, new faces and long-time-no-see oldskool ravers. We are One family! :)

P.S. Talking of my track One Sunday, I have some very good news release-wise. Read more here.

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MiscBehaving and One this weekend

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As I’m not in Finland on the New Year’s Eve, I consider this weekend the end-of-the-year party. And what a weekend it is! Starting on Friday, the Misc. Management organized event Extremely Miscbehaving takes over Virgin Oil. The night is hosted by DJ Orkidea, Mr.A warms up the floor and the foreign guests include Redanka, the very strong, oldskool and classic progressive talent and SolarStone, the man behind various excellent trance tunes.

On Saturday, SolarStone, Orkidea and me head to Tampere. It’s the season closing night for the local club One, which has grown to be one of the strongest club brands in the area. Flight and Uzu, the guys behind the club have been putting an enormous amount of time and thoughts for the concept and I’ve been happy to see a glimpse of the original Tampere-fiilis and easy-going and happy people always attending.  The opening party was truly memorable and getting Jaytech to play in Tampere was one of my personal highlights of the past autumn. Can’t wait for this Saturday and the upcoming season… :)

Extremely Miscbehaving
Friday 19.12.2008, 21-04, K20 @ Virgin Oil / Helsinki
Solarstone (Solaris, UK)
Redanka (Hooj Choons, UK)
DJ Orkidea (Unity)
Mr A (Danceteria)
Unity Collective (Klubitza)
Orion (YleX)
Oded Peled (Misc)

ONE Season Closing
Saturday 20.12.2008, 22-04 @ Tanssitalo / Tampere
Solarstone (Solaris, UK)
Orkidea (Unity)
Orion (Misc, Ylex)

One, Tampere, 20.12.2008, front

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Solarstone interview

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Here’s a short interview from Solarstone. Rich arrives to Finland to play 19th of December in Helsinki and 20th in Tampere.

01. This isn’t your first time in Finland. What kind of memories do you have from your previous visits?
Last time I played for Gatecrasher in Helsinki – that was awesome – but also last time I was there I produced a wicked track in the studio with Orkidea – possibly the nicest guy in Trance! Really looking forward to Read More

Time to Miscbehave!

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MiscBehaving hits RoseGarden for the third time this weekend. The concept is based on an idea, that all the Misc artists bring their chosen artists in, host the night and choose the sound. November’s Miscbehaving is hosted by me and the chosen guests are…

Dave Dresden. The man from the Gabriel&Dresden fame and a very rare sight on a gig in Europe. Truly a master of music and responsible of several classics like As The Rush Comes and remix of Rachel Starr’s Till There Was You. I’m happy to have him finally in Helsinki.

Joonas Hahmo. One of the most promising Finnish acts, Joonas is definitely the man of the moment. Not playing too often in Helsinki, Joonas takes the final slot to end the night with a style. And yes, good news just in – Joonas will soon perform his first live gig at this year’s Pacifique event.

Miscbehaving 01.11.2008
Rose Garden, Helsinki
8EUR // 22-04

Misc Management presents Miscbehaving

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Lehdistötiedote, vapaa levitettäväksi heti.

Miscbehaving on Misc. Managementin uusi kuukausittainen klubikonsepti, joka pidetään joka kuun ensimmäisenä lauantaina Rose Gardenissa, Helsingissä. Suomen vanhin elektronisen musiikin bookkaustoimisto Misc Management on viimeisen 9 vuoden aikana ollut vahvasti kasvattamassa Suomen elektronisen musiikin skeneä ja edustanut Suomen johtavia tiskijukkia, joihin lukeutuvat mm. DJ Orkidea, Mr A, JS16, Infekto ja Heikki L.

Miscin artistit kutsuvat Miscbehaving-iltoihin omia lempiartistejaan ja tämän hetken kuumimpia DJitä ja tuottajia maailmalta ja Suomesta. Jokaisen illan takana seisoo yksi Suomen johtavista tiskijukista, joka ohjaa iltaa musiikillisesti. Luvassa on hyvin laaja skaala elektronista underground-musiikkia: house, trance, breakbeat ja techno ovat kaikki edustettuna MiscBehaving-illoissa.

Miscbehaving-nimellä järjestetään myös isoja klubitapahtumia noin 5-6 kuukauden välein. Ensimmäinen ‘Extremely Miscbehaving‘-tapahtuma pidetään Virgin Oilissa 19.12.08 DJ Orkidean ja hänen kutsumiensa ulkomaalaisten DJ-vieraiden kanssa. Extremely Miscbehaving tulee olemaan talven huomattavimpia progressiivisen housen ja trancen tapahtumia.

Lisää infoa Misc Managementista saa uudistuneilta nettisivuilta:

Ensimmäisen Miscbehaving-illan musiikkitarjonnasta vastaa RICO TUBBS joka tunnetaan myös nimellä DJ INFEKTO. Hän on valinnut vieraakseen legendaarisen drum and bass -artisti ‘DRUMSOUND’:in Englannista sekä Suomen kuumimpiin artisteihin lukeutuvan ABRAHAM:in Large Amount Of Soul (L.A.O.S.) -kollektiivista.

Let’s Miscbehave!


Lauantai 6.9.2008
Klo 22-04
Rosegarden, Iso Roobertinkatu 10, Helsinki
Liput 8€ (naiset ilmaiseksi ennen klo 23.00)
Ikäraja 20


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Miscbehaving! is a new clubnight concept we are throwing in club Rosegarden in Helsinki. Each night, Misc DJ’s will invite and introduce their favorite artists to the Rose Garden crowd. Miscbehaving will be held on every month’s first Saturday.
The line-up for the first MISCBEHAVING night is now online. The mighty Rico Tubbs (aka Infekto) has invited Drumsound (UK) to headline the event. Abraham of L.A.O.S Collective will also play at the opening party. Come and check it out!
Full MiscBehaving info
on Facebook and Klubitus. Remember to check Misc Group on Facebook, too. That’s where the party is.
