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17.01.2014 – Biisilista ja uudelleenkuuntelu – XmiX: Genki

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YleX Logo 2013

Katso Areenasta: Tapaninpäivän elektronisen musiikin 7h megalähetys

Biisilista ja uudelleenkuuntelu

22:00-23:00 – DJ Orion

1. Corona – Rhythm Of The Night (Blonde Version) (CDr)
2. Muzzaik – Be Alright (Danila Remix) (Wazzup Rec)
3. John Monkman – Now Or Never (Armada)
4. Lindell & Vuonnala – We Can Make It (Jon Electra Extended Remix) (Meta)
5. My Digital Enemy – Shamen (Vudu)
6. Jeremy Olander & Fehrplay – Balboa (CDr)
7. Jerome Isma-Ae – Hold That Sucker Down (Sick Individuals Remix) (Armada)

8. L.A.O.S. – Belong (CDr)

9. JS16 – My Rosegarden (16 Inch)

10. Miikka Pelkonen – Patriot (CDr)
11. Joris Voorn ft Ornette – Crazy Ringo (Nothing But Funk Mashup) (CDr)

23:00-24:00 – XmiX

1. Christian Smith & John Selway – Total Departure (Cirez D RMX) – Drumcode
2. Lucio Aquilina – Disco Bus (Roland M. Dill RMX) – Trapez Ltd
3. Format:B – Dog Tag – Formatik
4. Drop The Lime – Hot As Hell (Canblaster RMX) – Ministry of Sound
5. Phil Kieran – Tartan Paint – Cocoon Recordings
6. Nom De Strip – Klap – Southern Fried Records
7. Phunk Investigation – Analog Creatures – BluFin
8. Superslut – Bulerias – Great Stuff Recordings
9. Phil Kieran – I Can’t Go On – Twin Turbo
10. Cagedbaby – Forced (Idiotproof RMX) – Southern Fried Records
11. Moby – Go (Trentemoller RMX) – Audiomatique Recordings
12. Wolfgang Gartner – Latin Fever – Kindergarten
13. Dj Cra$y – Just E (BrEaCh Mix) – Dirtybird
14. Jack Beats – Labyrinth – Cheap Thrills

Kuuntele aiempia lähetyksiä:
10.01.2014 – Best of 2013 – part #2
03.01.2014 – Best of 2013 – part #1
26.12.2013 – Tapanin Dancet 7h lähetys
20.12.2013 – XmiX: 100% Lenno

DJ Orion’s podcast



DJ Orion @ YleX – 17.01.2014 – XmiX: Genki

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DJ Orion @ YleX – 17.01.2014 – XmiX: Genki


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Katso Areenasta: Tapaninpäivän elektronisen musiikin 7h megalähetys

Kahden Best of -lähetyksen jälkeen on aika kääntää katse uuteen ja tuoreeseen musiikkiin. DJ Orionin ensimmäisellä tunnilla alkuvuoden 2014 parhaimmistoa mm. L.A.O.Silta, Jeremy Olanderilta, Fehrplaylta, Jerome Isma-Aelta, Lindell&Vuonnalalta ja Miikka Pelkoselta.

XmiXin ottaa haltuun joulukuussa Room Servicessä vakuuttanut ja Basstards-klubia luotsaava Genki. Keikoillaan teknon, psyken, drum&bassin ja breakbeatin maastoissa suunnistava pitkän linjan DJ asettaa kerralla vuoden 2014 XmiXien riman erittäin korkealle todella kovalla ja bassheavylla XmiXillä. Vuoden ensimmäinen ei jätä kylmäksi.

Tune in – nyt perjantaina klo 22-24.
Web-stream & shoutbox:

Ole erilainen, lähetä kirjepostia:
YleX/DJ Orion PL17 00024 YLE

Kuuntele uudelleen lähetyksiä:
10.01.2014 – Best of 2013 – part #2
03.01.2014 – Best of 2013 – part #1
26.12.2013 – Tapanin Dancet 7h lähetys
20.12.2013 – XmiX: 100% Lenno


Video: Fiksaatio, Seinäjoki, 02.04.2011

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Amazing party on Saturday in Seinäjoki. 700 people packed to a two-dancefloor venue, the other floor serving the finest dubstep, breaks & drum’n’bass and other being mainly house/trance four-on-the-floor madness. I started with Ashley Wallbridge’s intro version of Gareth Emery’s Arrival, continued in a more proghouse mood and after a couple of more technoish numbers ended the night with some well known trance tunes. It was a pleasure to see 4 Strings version of Slusnik Luna’s going down really fine as well as Feijk’s & Davidson’s Buzz Kill and (naturally) Chase&Status – Blind Faith as an encore.

Big, big thank-yous to everyone coming there and making the night that special and hats off to Fiksaatio possé (always a pleasure to be there!) and my fellow jocks Timo, Sami, Genki and co.

Here’s a direct link to a Youtube video unless you can’t see it above. Facebook version online, too

Extremely Miscbehaving, 24.10.2009 @ Helsinki Club & Playground

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The first Extremely Miscbehaving event one year ago @ Virgin Oil was a blast. It attracted nearly 1000 people just a couple of days before Christmas with Redanka and Solarstone as headliners. The main idea behind Miscbehaving events is that one of Misc. Management artists invites 1-3 foreign or domestic & fresh or oldskool talents and builds the lineup to represent his idea of quality electronic music.

On 24.10. we’ll see another round of Miscbehaving madness as DJ Orkidea invites legendary Renaissance resident Ian Ossia and one of the hottest trance names currently – Andy Moor – to headline a Miscbehaving night at Helsinki Club. The oldskool trance/prog fellow DJ Coma will be taking care of the warm-up.

The night continues at Playground at 05:00 as an official afterparty. I’ve invited some of the most interesting current domestic names to share the early underground morning hours with me: First of all DJ Casper, who has convinced me lately with his superb techno sets. He’s a guy living the music 100% and is one of the true rising stars currently. He’s not only a guy for dark underground venues but has caught my attention by playing really rocking groovy summery sets, too.
Then, my good ol’ friend DJ Flight. We’ve shared the DJ booths and organized club events together more than a dozen times last year and I greatly admire his uncompromised professional attitude. Flight is not only a great person, but also easily one of the top house jocks in Finland at the moment. Easy choice of picking him in.
And lastly, DJ Genki, an oldskool and multi-genre-talent jock – breaks-psy-dnb-techhouse-techno-younameit! He has an ear for killer tracks whatever style he plays, but his techno sets have been the ones totally ripping it. A perfect choice for ending the night, no matter how late it gets… :)

Check the Miscbehaving event details at Klubitus and read the latest news at or at Misc Management’s Twitter.


DJ ORKIDEA (Unity, Love, Jack) invites:
IAN OSSIA (Renaissance, UK)
COMA (Pussy, Clinic)

Visuals Beige/Harmaa
Light Design Tea & Severi (Unity)

Where: Helsinki Club, Yliopistonkatu 8
When: Saturday 24.10.2009
Time: 21-04
Tickets: 14€ + booking fee. available from Tiketti from the 14th of September


DJ ORION (YleX, Lost Language) invites:
FLIGHT (Romance)
GENKI (Exogenic)
CASPER (Helsinki)

Where: Playground, Iso Roobertinkatu 10
When: Sunday 25.10.2009
Time: 05-12
Tickets: 8€ with main event ticket and 10€ without. Available from the door only!

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