DJ Orion @ Pacifique Maupiti, 04.-05.03.2011, Waterpark Serena, Espoo Warm up hour for Chris Coco.
01. The Horn – Villager (Tom Middleton Promised Land Remodel – DJ Orion Pacifique re-edit)
02. Tom Middleton & Pryda – Catboy (Tom Middleton mashup – DJ Orion Pacifique re-edit)
03. Bucketheads – The Bomb (HausJacker Bootleg)
04. Modjo – Lady (DJ Orion Pacifique 2011 re-edit)
05. Heikki L & DJ Orion – Playing With Knives (UU Island mix)
06. Pendulum – Island (Tom Fall Pjanoo Remix)
07. Slusnik Luna – Sun (Orion & Flight re-edit)
08. Eric Prydz vs Soulsearcher – Enough Niton (The BeatThief’s Bootleg)
09. Kosheen – Hide U (DJ Orion re-edit)
10. Redroche vs. Armstrong – Make Your Move
11. Daishi Dance – Sax@Arena (Mitomi Tokoto Remix)
12. Rozalla – Everybody’s Free (Lazor Arena Mix)
Maanantaina 7.6.2010 YleX:n DJ-ohjelma keskittyy ainoastaan yhteen artistiin. Tunnin lähetyksessä kuullaan pelkkiä naapurimaan tuottajaihme Eric Prydzin raitoja miehen originaaleista…
To get into the mood of the upcoming Love event, here are my favourite Eric Prydz / Cirez D / Pryda tracks of all time. Can you recall when you first heard Aftermath, Pjanoo or Control Freak? Oh, those days… :)
Pryda – Aftermath – The original, 15 minute trip is the #1 Eric Prydz track for me. Still after 5 years it’s being recognized, and works at the clubs like a charm. I remember playing this for the first time at a sold-out party in Rovaniemi, thinking first this might be way too Read More
Making a Jack Classics chart definitely wasn’t a simple task. I didn’t know whether to stay oldskool, pick up my favs from the past 8 years or pull out the forgotten gems. in the end, I guess this chart is a combo of all those three. Not only my favorite tracks, but these are also my favorite moments I’ve experienced at Jack – whether on the dancefloor or in the booth.
10.11.2009 Tiistain Tanssi-illan ensimmäisellä tunnilla biisivieraana on yksi housemusiikin merkittävämpiä tekijöitä jo useamman vuosikymmenen ajalta. Brittiläinen Dave Seaman kertoo biisivierasosuudessaan ajatuksiaan uudesta Renaissance-kokoelmastaan, jonka mukaan nimetty kiertue rantautuu myös Suomeen 21.11.2009. Biisivierasbiisinä kuullaan tuore julkaisu herran luotsaamalta Audio Therapy -levymerkiltä.
Lisäksi lautasilla mm. Eric Prydz, BT, Guy J, Steve Angello, Underworld ja Solarstone. Uutisissa klubimusiikkiohjelmien ja Tiistain Tanssi-illan tulevaisuus vuonna 2010.
I received my copy of DJ Hero today. The game is for Xbox – they didn’t have the Wii versions yet – and as I don’t own Xbox the nice people at Kohu-Live borrowed me one for the two-week test drive.
The package wasn’t anything what the final product is going to be (photo above), but unpacking was cool nevertheless. They should have these “sample” and “promotional copy” stickers on all models – I guess they didn’t make enough field investigation to find out that all the DJs are ready to pay at least triple for anything which has something to do with promo, rare or early copy ;)
The intro with Justice’s Genesis was cool, but made me suspicious of the game contents – action-filled start didn’t seem to fit to the DJ Hero image. However the tutorials with Grandmaster Flash made me forget the rather annoying intro and I was pretty fast fascinated by the controls.
The basic gameplay is really easy if you’re familiar with Guitar Hero or you’ve ever even seen a turntable+mixer combo, but as with Guitar Hero, mastering Hard/Expert levels you really need some time with the game, no matter how much you’ve deejayed before. After the first two hours of playing, I found my limits somewhere between Medium/Hard difficulty and found myself playing some of the tracks over and over again to master some of the most difficult spots.
The idea of backspinning the deck to create re-wind effect and playing some parts of the song immediately again to gain points is a nice feature, but the FX knob (which is basically just a filter) feels in most cases a bit dumb, but definitely raises the difficulty at certain points.
Crossfader isn’t completely loose as I expected beforehand, but locks to left, right & middle. It felt really weird in the beginning as it took much more effort to put the fader exactly to the middle after throwing it to left & right, but it reminds me again – this is just a game, and doesn’t even try to be a 100% real simulation.
The possibility to add a guitar and play DJ vs. Guitar feels like lots of fun, going to try that out later. DJ Hero is definitely at its best when played with friends, definitely the pre-party game of the year and the after-party game of the decade ;)
All-in-all, I probably haven’t been this excited of any game after I got my hands all over the first Wii games some years ago. I’m really looking forward presenting DJ Hero at Extremely Miscbehaving event in Helsinki Club on 24.10.2009 – which reminds me of this: If you’re into winning a copy of DJ Hero, head over to, check the event details and participate to the contest.
And if you have any questions regarding the game, feel free to ask below.
How the time flies… it’s nearly two weeks of this year’s Laserpoint event and I haven’t found a moment to gather all my thoughts. Actually, it’s not only two weeks but a whole year which has passed incredibly fast. One year ago we were equally busy with DJ Orkidea’s Metaverse tour which had its closing moments at Laserpoint 2008.
This year I got a privilege to get into a short chat with Brian Transeau two weeks before the event. Arranging an official interview was a small mess with all the hassle with time differences, phone calls and emails with several managers but I’m happy it finally turned out to be a success and BT’s interview was aired on 14.4.2009 on YleX.
I’m not starting to tell what a great guy he truly is, you can check it out by yourself, the whole interview is listenable here, also including some parts which didn’t fit to the radio show.
The main event was fantastically organized. 3500 people under one roof, but everything from cloackrooms to bars ran smoothly, the lights & visuals were once again superb (thanks for the support, Parker Kane! :), people happily smiling and atmosphere better than ever. Personally I was happy to see Labyrinth returning – it’s mad that it’s already 10 years ago when Labyrinth met Gatecrasher at the same spot. At that time Merikaapeli hall was the mecca of swedish influenced techno and the main trance stars Matt Hardwick and Scott Bond were playing at Puristamo, which was so packed & hot that one could feel the sweat dripping from the ceiling. Talk about hip and trendy raving! ;)
Sessions2 also made fantastic work and I was happy to find other official photo galleries, too. All the event galleries are gathered together here, take a look if you’re into seeing a couple of photos.
The night ended to the Illusions afterparty where I played a two hour opening set between 05:00 and 07:00. It was nice to see a fully packed morning party, weird to play happy and melodic music at Rose Garden main floor (normally a very techno influenced place), and again thrilling to see people going wild when the sun was already up. The re-play of AfterFlight, a combo of Prydz’s Aftermath and Tiesto’s Flight 643 was a blast and Dan Stone’s remake of Paul van Dyk’s For An Angel as well as Above&Beyond’s remix of Radiohead’s Reckoner were memorable moments.
Thanks for the all the great people I met during the night and morning, it was amazing to share all those moments with you. Big thanks to Joonas, Lauri, Flight, Orkidea, Jontey, Tumpsi, Parker and Juki who were there when needed and made this all happen. You are the lucky ones.
Now, let’s turn the heads towards the sunny summer and let the good times roll :)