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Busy weekend ahead: 9 Opening, Summer Heat, Sasha XmiX, Tampere Rave City…

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Tampere Rave City, Pyynikki, Tampere, 16.07.2011Summer Heat, Vanha YO-talo, Helsinki, 15.7.2011"9" - Avajaiset, Eteläesplanadi, Helsinki

This weekend sees the most hectic schedule of the summer of 2011.

Friday: “9 – The Opening” @ Esplanadi, Helsinki

On Friday I’ll take a flight from Berlin to Helsinki to join the private event “9 – The Opening”. UU guys (which you might remember from last year’s UU Island) will be constructing a 400m2 venue on Esplanadi with Open Bar (drinks by Tuukka Ahonen & co.), some 4 hour lounge/house/electronica vibes from me and other surprises. It’s a semi private event, but if you can get an invitation to the Facebook event somewhere, it means you’re in. I still have 10 invitations left – if you want one, mail me your email address (it has to be the same you use for logging to Facebook) and I’ll mail you the invitation. The invitation includes avec.

Friday: Summer Heat, Vanhan YO-talon terassi, Helsinki

Right after UU closes its doors, I’ll head to Vanha. Summer Heat has gained lots of support this summer and is definitely one of the nicest weekly terrace events in Helsinki to check out. It’s not lounging but some seriously fun house music biznezz, grab your dance shoes and join the Gude Laune. I’ll be starting at 01:00. Check the Facebook event for more details.
I have 10 names for the guest list. If you want one, go & comment to my Facebook page for this post and your name will be at the door.

XmiX: Sasha (UK)

If you can’t make it to the events, make sure to tune in to YleX at 23:00 for a weekly musical journey of XmiX. Sasha – the headliner of Love event in Circus on 23.7. – will be delivering a one hour crazycool XmiX and telling some news (for example about Involver 3) on the interview. In case you can’t check it live, you can always listen to it on Yle Areena on-demand one week after the broadcast.

Saturday: Tampere Rave City

After some 7 hours of DJing on Friday, I’ll take the train to the middle of Tampere-fiilis on this year’s Tammerfest craziness. This time the rave spirit takes over Pyynikin palloiluhalli with danish Funkstar DeLuxe headlining and Finnish Alex Kunnari, Joonas Hahmo, Tremont and me doing the warmup. Check the Facebook Event for more details and join the Tamperedanse.


Sunday?! I have this image before my eyes of sitting totally wrecked on the flight back to Berlin. It seems I have lots to catch up to gain the normal Berlin clubbing endurance.

Is this new Christina Aguilera?

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Even though it looks and sounds like Ladytron, they say this could be viral marketing of the upcoming Christina Aguilera’s album. If these really are clips of the tracks the album will contain, this is definitely an interesting move from Christina. Many people have said it can’t be, but there is some resemblance in Christina and the character on the video.

Some nerd had even realized that if you add up all of the numbers before a decimal and attach a letter to its corresponding number (A=1, B=2, C=3, etc.) you’ll notice that each video has a distinct message:
Prelude 699130082.451322 = (38.17) = (CH.AG) = CH. AG. = I. A. M. CH. = I.T.S.M.E.C.

Now to the videos. If you can’t see anything below, go here to check them out.

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Chill-out moment of the week: Keramick & Lobo

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Keramick & Lobo have just released their new album “The Braille” on Exogenic Records and it has gotten quite good reviews everywhere. I got a possibility to pre-listen the album and it sounds really, really awesome. I already hyped on Twitter Tokyo Boulevard’s upcoming album to be the chill-out album of the year, but this one doesn’t fall far from the top spot either, even though several tracks could be rather described as electronica than chill-out. Anyway, Finnish chill-out is doing well at the moment :)

Keramick & Lobo – The Braille is out on iTunes & Beatport. Check the video below.