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06.06.2014 – Biisilista ja uudelleenkuuntelu – XmiX: Coma

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Biisilista ja uudelleenkuuntelu

22:00-23:00 – DJ Orion

1. Pharrell Williams – Happy (Lenno Remix) (CDr)
2. Mat Zo ft The Knocks – Get Down 2 Get Up (CDr)
3. Soundprank – Atlantic (Anjunabeats)
4. Olav Basoski – French Kiss (Rootz)

5. Joonas Hahmo – Diamond Stash (Hahmo)

6. Husman – Who We Are (Mainstage)
7. Sasha Carassi – Old Fashioned Lover (Phobiq)
8. Petri Alanko – Welcome To The Future (Lowland remix) (CDr)
9. Active Limbic – Karahana (Perfecto)

*** VIIKON WTF ***
10. Wham – Last Christmas (Irregular Disco Workers Edit) (CDr)

11. L.A.O.S – Believe (CDr)
12. Xilent, Charlotte Haining – Free Me (Smooth Remix) (Audioporn)
13. The McMash Clan, Kate Mullins – Requiem (Circus)

23:00-24:00 – XmiX

1. Unknown Artist – Unknown Title [White Label] 2. Pete Lazonby – Sacred Cycles (Medway Remix) [Hooj Choons] 3. Lustral – Everytime (Nalin & Kane Remix) [Hooj Choons] 4. Breeder – New York FM (Tilt Remix) [Rhythm Syndicate] 5. Unknown Artist – Unknown Title [White Label] 6. Dominion – Fortunes (Vox) [Whoop] 7. Unknown Artist – Unknown Title [White Label] 8. Natious – Amber (Silk Mix) [Amato] 9. Christian West – Eterna (Main Mix) [Fluid UK]

Kuuntele aiempia lähetyksiä:
30.05.2014 – Jyväskylä Live, XmiX: Top Billin
23.05.2014 – XmiX: Maison & Dragen
16.05.2014 – XmiX: Joonas Hahmo
09.05.2014 – XmiX: Lindell & Vuonnala

DJ Orion’s podcast



DJ Orion @ YleX – 06.06.2014 – XmiX: Coma

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DJ Orion @ YleX – 06.06.2014 – XmiX: Coma (Oldskool Trance live mix)


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YleX:n perjantai-illan huipennuksen ensimmäisellä tunnilla DJ Orionin soitossa on mm. uutta musiikkia Lennolta, Mat Zolta, Olav Basoskilta, Joonas Hahmolta, Sasha Carassilta, Lowlandilta, LAOSilta ja Xilentiltä.

Kakkostunnilla kuullaan tranceveteraani DJ Coman livenauhoite helsinkiläiseltä Superstition-klubilta. Tampereelta 90-luvulla DJiden eliittiin noussut Coma on esiintynyt mm. Roskilde-festivaalilla ja vaikuttaa yhä mm. pitkäikäisen Pussy Clubin residenttinä. XmiXissä palataan reilun kuukauden päähän Superstition-klubille, jossa Coma pyöräytti täyslaidallisen vinyyliä suoraan 90-luvun trancekaukaloista.

Tune in – nyt perjantaina klo 22-24.
Web-stream & shoutbox:

Ole erilainen, lähetä kirjepostia:
YleX/DJ Orion PL17 00024 YLE

Kuuntele uudelleen lähetyksiä:
30.05.2014 – Jyväskylä Live, XmiX: Top Billin
23.05.2014 – XmiX: Maison & Dragen
16.05.2014 – XmiX: Joonas Hahmo
09.05.2014 – XmiX: Lindell & Vuonnala


Tracklist and look-back: ONE Classics, Pellava, Tampere 5.6.2010

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I think many of us could agree that we had one of the best ONE events last night (Facebook event). With the most probability it was also the last event at Pellava which is really a shame as the place was now really showing what it’s capable of.

It was so great to see loads of oldskool faces – not only from Tampere but all the way from Helsinki, Kouvola, Lahti etc. – coming to rave in the spirit of classic tunes from the past years. Okiru warmed up the floor with superb progressive classics (tracklist, anyone?:) and showed the mad mixing skills have definitely not corroded during the years.

Coma & KimiK followed with 100% vinyl set containing really bassheavy, driving proggy Tampere classics from Miau! and Tunnel era, ending their set to Bedrock’s Heaven Scent and Deepsky’s Stargazer with proper 138bpm.
As said to KimiK in the booth – no matter what you play after those tunes – it just sounds worse :)

I had a very intense 45min set (all-in-all the set lengths were very short due to closing time at 03:00), playing ONE classics – the tracks which have been particularly memorable during the ONE years and tracks which have become classics at Tanssitalo or Pellava. The full tracklist is below.

Finally, Cosmicman took the last hour to early 2000 style trancey direction which seemed to go down very well and ended his set with legendary twothousand-something kixu classic I Love You, which summed up the night nicely.

But the artists didn’t make the night – it was the fantastic crowd. They don’t talk about Tampere-fiilis in vain. It was the most open-minded, happily careless and most intense audience I’ve experienced in Tampere in many, many, many years. Right people in the right place. One family :)

The ONE afterparty couldn’t have been better either. Starting at 03:00 in the very centrum of Tampere, afterhour maestros Flight and Paul Easy dropped quality tech-house and techno choons to nearly 250 party people. Instead of a “morning of the living dead” the atmosphere was high and dancefloor full of energetic, smiling people enjoying to get down. Tampere at its best :)

Another great summer starter behind. Massive thanks to Flight & Uzu + co. for making this happen.

DJ Orion @ ONE Classics, 5.6.2010

01. Claes Rosen – Mystify (Dinka remix)
02. DJ Orkidea – Metaverse (Gareth Emery remix)
03. Mother’s Pride – Floribunda (Big C remix)
04. Joonas Hahmo – Tampere By Night
05. Coast 2 Coast – Home
06. Ali Wilson – Pandora
07. Super8&Tab – Elektra

ONE Classics, 05.06.2010, Pellava, Tampere

Picks from the crate #5 – Atlantis – Fiji

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Atlantis - Fiji

It was early internet era (at least for the Finnish techno scene) as I found this record. DJ Coma is Tampere had his official website on legendary domain (R.I.P.) and had listed his TOP 10 tracks there. Of course there was no way of listening those tracks, the golden era of mp3s was still ahead, but I remember spotting his #1 track, Atlantis – Fiji.
It was a weekend or two later when I heard him playing the tune and recognized it by the vocal. It took me around two months to hunt down a vinyl copy of it (boy, have we gotten impatient during the internet era – what was the last tune you tried to find for two months?) and it’s still one of my personal gems in the vinyl collection. And it still has the late 90’s Tampere-vibe in it :)

Funny detail – 1-2 years earlier Paul Oakenfold was hammering a tune called “Kelly & Lee – Only You“, which samples the same tune as Atlantis track and was a big big Oakie-hit. I can’t find that on Discogs neither for sale anywhere – let me know if you find/have it – I would definitely be interesting in buying one copy.
Anyway, it would be nice to know if that Atlantis track was made on purpose using “that Oakie-sample” knowing it could be an instant hit…

Also – do not mix this up with later rip-off “Atlantis vs. Avatar – Fiji” or especially Lange remix, which did the same to Fiji as Tiesto did to Delerium’s Silence. *brrrr*
Below is a Youtube link to original version.

Any thoughts of this record? Share them in the comments. See also the previous posts in “Picks from the crate” series.

YouTube video.

Extremely Miscbehaving, 24.10.2009 @ Helsinki Club & Playground

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The first Extremely Miscbehaving event one year ago @ Virgin Oil was a blast. It attracted nearly 1000 people just a couple of days before Christmas with Redanka and Solarstone as headliners. The main idea behind Miscbehaving events is that one of Misc. Management artists invites 1-3 foreign or domestic & fresh or oldskool talents and builds the lineup to represent his idea of quality electronic music.

On 24.10. we’ll see another round of Miscbehaving madness as DJ Orkidea invites legendary Renaissance resident Ian Ossia and one of the hottest trance names currently – Andy Moor – to headline a Miscbehaving night at Helsinki Club. The oldskool trance/prog fellow DJ Coma will be taking care of the warm-up.

The night continues at Playground at 05:00 as an official afterparty. I’ve invited some of the most interesting current domestic names to share the early underground morning hours with me: First of all DJ Casper, who has convinced me lately with his superb techno sets. He’s a guy living the music 100% and is one of the true rising stars currently. He’s not only a guy for dark underground venues but has caught my attention by playing really rocking groovy summery sets, too.
Then, my good ol’ friend DJ Flight. We’ve shared the DJ booths and organized club events together more than a dozen times last year and I greatly admire his uncompromised professional attitude. Flight is not only a great person, but also easily one of the top house jocks in Finland at the moment. Easy choice of picking him in.
And lastly, DJ Genki, an oldskool and multi-genre-talent jock – breaks-psy-dnb-techhouse-techno-younameit! He has an ear for killer tracks whatever style he plays, but his techno sets have been the ones totally ripping it. A perfect choice for ending the night, no matter how late it gets… :)

Check the Miscbehaving event details at Klubitus and read the latest news at or at Misc Management’s Twitter.


DJ ORKIDEA (Unity, Love, Jack) invites:
IAN OSSIA (Renaissance, UK)
COMA (Pussy, Clinic)

Visuals Beige/Harmaa
Light Design Tea & Severi (Unity)

Where: Helsinki Club, Yliopistonkatu 8
When: Saturday 24.10.2009
Time: 21-04
Tickets: 14€ + booking fee. available from Tiketti from the 14th of September


DJ ORION (YleX, Lost Language) invites:
FLIGHT (Romance)
GENKI (Exogenic)
CASPER (Helsinki)

Where: Playground, Iso Roobertinkatu 10
When: Sunday 25.10.2009
Time: 05-12
Tickets: 8€ with main event ticket and 10€ without. Available from the door only!

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