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Saturday 18.06.2011, Mixxed, Bio Rex, Helsinki

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Mixxed, Bio Rex, Helsinki, 18.06.2011

Facebook event.

This Saturday sees my last gig in Finland before moving to Berlin for two years. Yes, it won’t be long before coming back again, actually there are quite a few gigs already confirmed for the end of the summer and the autumn, but I can’t help thinking this as some sort of a farewell party.
And what would be more summery and better place to play the last beats as Finnish resident than the best outdoor summer club in town, Mixxed. Bio Rex terrace combined with music enthusiasts and 100% party people just can’t go wrong. I’ve witnessed the full-on party there when it’s been storming like crazy – and Mixxed is a great example you can really have a perfect summer club concept even though “Finnish summer” isn’t always weather-wise what we’d love to have :)
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Busy weekend coming up – XmiX with Proteus, YleXPop and Prima @ JKL

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Prima, Jyväskylä, 29.5.2011

This looks like a weekend worth waiting. Tonight (Friday) we’ll be getting a special treat from Finnish hard dance master Proteus who delivered a superb XmiX combining industrial, hard trance, acid and techno and shared some secrets in a short interview. Tune in to YleX at 22:00. More info here.

On Saturday, YleX festival called YleXPop takes over the centrum of Helsinki spreading to Lasipalatsi square, Tavastia, Bar Loose and Bio Rex. I’ll be hosting the event at Bio Rex together with Chyde from Mestarisoundi and Matti from Parasta Ennen. I’ll be playing between 23:00 and 01:30, mainly in the spirit of the festival and on a housey tip. Here’s the Facebook event of Bio Rex club and the whole festival.

Sunday sees no rest as I’ll be travelling to Jyväskylä where club Prima will be having an official summer starter. Despite being a Sunday night club, I’ve heard nothing but rave reviews (literally!) from their events. It’s been a long while I’ve last visited Jyväskylä and the city really brings back some fine memories. Shouts to Pimiö possé and Anchors Up! events, not to forget long lived Niitty crew. (In case you’re interested, here are some more flyers from Jyväskylä.) I’m really looking forward to see how Jyväskylä is ravin’ in 2011. See Prima Facebook event here.

YleX Popin lineup julki.

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YleX julkaisi tämän kevään YleX Popin esiintyjäkaartin. Helsingin Lasipalatsin aukiolla pidettävä ilmaiskonsertti alkaa klo 15 ja päättyy n. klo 19. Heti konsertin päättymisen jälkeen Bio Rexin jatkoklubi avaa ovensa – Bio Rexin terassilla soittamassa YleX:n Mestarisoundin Chyde, DJ Orion sekä Parasta Ennen! -ohjelman Matti Airaksinen. Bio Rexin jatkoklubi klo 19-02.

Apulanta ilmaiskeikalle Helsingin keskustaan. Kestosuosikki esiintyy YleXPopissa lauantaina 28. toukokuuta.

Heinolalaissuuruuden lisäksi myös beatbox-taituri Felix Zenger on vahvistanut tulonsa festarikesän aloittavaan tapahtumaan. Ilmaiskonsertti Helsingin Lasipalatsin aukiolla alkaa kello 15.

Jo aiemmin on kerrottu, että tapahtumassa esiintyvät Von Hertzen Brothers ja Samuli Putro.

Ilmaistapahtuman jälkeen bileet jatkuvat YleXPop2011-klubeilla eri puolilla Helsinkiä.

Jo klo 19 meno jatkuu Bio Rexissä, missä levyjä pyörittävät YleX:n Mestarisoundin Chyde, DJ Orion sekä Parasta ennen! -show’n Matti Airaksinen. Lippuja myydään ovella.

via YleX.

Photos: Mixxed Discotheque, 31.07.2010, Bio Rex, Helsinki

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Can’t see the photos properly? Click here.

Some very late photos from last summer’s Mixxed event @ Bio Rex. Great party. But what on earth is happening in the photo above?!

[flickrpress type=”sets” count=”25″ sets=”Mixxed 31.07.2010″ lightbox=”true” paging=”true” api_key=”4b23d56bcaed48f56fad08e3a52ce867″ account=”37218967@N00″] Photos by Teemu Halkonen.

Klubitus 10 years & Mixxed Discotheque this weekend

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A busy weekend coming up. On Friday I’ll be playing at the ten year anniversary party of a local club related website Klubitus. For years Klubitus has been #1 information provider in Finland for anyone interested in club scene and its birthday is not only a gathering of like-minded people but also a get-together of DJs who normally don’t play at the same event. Legendary Art of Trance will be headlining. An eclectic and interesting night coming up.

On Saturday I’ll head to Bio Rex terrace to probably the best regular summer club event in Helsinki. Mixxed Discotheque has been running for some years now – every summer Saturday hosted by Tony Profondo and Niko Geselle – at the heart of Helsinki with really really nice views and happy atmosphere. Usually there are some queues, not a bad decision to come early – the party starts already at 19:00 and the terrace closes at 02:00. I’ll start my 1,5hours at 23:15 and Kimmo O, Aslak and the residents Tony and Niko take care of the rest.

Klubitus 10 Years
Facebook event
Friday 30.7.2010, 22 – 04, K18, 10€ @ Tivoli, Freda 51-53 / Helsinki
Art of Trance (live, UK)
Orkidea, Proteus vs Eliot Ness
Oded Peled, Orion, Muffler vs Genki
Bobby Speed, Kaiu & Sakura, Mekaanikko vs Tremont
Klubitus All-Stars: DJ Anqh, Tres, Mayah vs DJ Skai

Mixxed Discotheque
Facebook event
Saturday 31.7.2010, 19 – 02, K18, 5€ @ Bio Rex Terrace / Helsinki
Aslak & Kimmo0
Tony Profondo
Niko Geselle

Crazy weekend in Helsinki

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I just had to write this down for the years to come. On one weekend Helsinki witnesses Chris Lake, Tom Middleton, Marco V, Joris Voorn, Astral Projection, Push and Derrick May on five different events. 2009 hasn’t been a bad year at all, but this has been a top weekend so far.

If you feel like looking further back, I recommend checking legendary Ocsid playlist from 1995 which Ozzi made alive again by collecting the tracks on one playlist on YouTube. If you’re not familiar with Ocsid, read more on Klubitus topic.

Playing tonight at Mixxed @ Bio Rex terrace. It’s beautiful weather, really looking forward to this.

Mixxed June 2009 poster